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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Is my PQR failed?
- - By weber (*) Date 10-03-2005 03:08
Yesterday I’ve tested a PQR for my project. Every specimen passed its test except one side bend of all four side bends and two impact test of HAZ.
1.According to ASME IX paragraph QW-202.1 “If any test specimen required by QW-451 fails to meet the applicable acceptance criteria, the test coupon shall be considered as failed, and a new test coupon shall be welded.” Does it mean that I have to test again all of my passed two tensile tests and three side bend tests? Or, after welding of the new test coupon, I must test only another side bend specimen?
2.According to ASME VIII Div.1 UG-84(c)(6) “……when the value for one specimen is below the minimum value permitted for a single specimen, a retest of three additional specimens shall be made.” Does it mean a retest of three additional specimens for each failed specimens? In fact, do I have to test six impact specimens, three specimens for each of two failed specimen, as retest?
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-03-2005 09:38
Question 1: Your test coupon has failed.

Question 2: Repeat original test requirements.
Parent - - By weber (*) Date 10-03-2005 19:03
thanks jon
but i must repeat all of tensiles and side bends tests again?
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-03-2005 19:15
Unfortunately, yes. What position did you run your PQR in? Hopefully you did it in the flat position with plate material to make it easier on yourself!
Parent - - By weber (*) Date 10-09-2005 23:18
It’s very strange that in ASME VIII Div.1 UG-84, retest is allowed for impact test, but not in ASME IX for tensile and bend tests!!
May somebody explain it?
Parent - By Kamaruzaman (*) Date 10-10-2005 06:42
if you got more balance of test coupon, why not to proceed for charpy impact test immediately after those 2 failure.

ASME IX code is for welder/procedure qualification requirements. Charpy impact test requirements come from the design and opreration. Then please see ASME/ANSI B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8 etc.
Parent - By Kamaruzaman (*) Date 10-10-2005 06:56
some testing, what we used RT examinations instead of side bend.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Is my PQR failed?

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