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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Best MIG in the $700 to $800 range?
- - By weldbeginner Date 09-30-2005 00:02
Hi to all,
This would be my first welding machine. I am considering between the Millermatic 175 and the Lincoln 175 plus. Both seems the same to me (beginner eye). I can get the Miller for $50 buck less. Which one would you suggest?
Parent - - By pjseaman (**) Date 10-01-2005 02:46
The Miller would be my choice, I believe the warranty is better and I know the service is better from corporate if there should be a problem.

I have two miller machines, a mm210 and a Dynasty 200DX. No hesitation in that size and price range the mm175!
Parent - - By weldbeginner Date 10-01-2005 07:22
Greatly appreciate your input. One more question. The Lincoln 175 plus has an aluminum kit for about $60, while the MM175 does not have it. Instead, the MM176 has a spoolgun for about $500 plus the control for another $200. I believe the spoolgun 3035 is much better, but I don't want to spend that extra money unless I have to. DOES THE MILLERMATIC 175 HAS A SIMILAR ALUMINUM KIT TO THAT OF THE LINCOLN FOR ABOUT THE SAME AMOUNT OF $?

Parent - By jay72chevy (*) Date 10-01-2005 21:50
What kind of gauge metal you welding? I would look into HTP welders. The web site is The price ranges you say on here are the same and they give you all the support you need. They will help you anyway they can over the phone they are excellent.
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 10-02-2005 23:09
On aluminum you'll be very limited to thickness, can it be done yes but not very well. Basically the kit is a teflon or nylon liner for the torch.

Before you spend the money for a mm175 a controller and a spoolmate 3035, save a bit more cash and buy the mm210 with the spoolmate kit price should be around $1800 and I own this exact machine and it will do a superb job on 1/4" and can even do a bit thicker with practice. Plus the mm210 will have a duty cycle of 60% vs the 20% of the mm175.

Good luck,
Parent - - By SA-200 (**) Date 10-12-2005 00:42
The Lincoln 175 plus would be your best choice. 3yr warranty and best arc and proven durable.
Parent - By Brand X (*) Date 10-12-2005 06:16
The Lincoln has a better track record then the Miller.
Miller is ditching that model and coming out with another
Lincoln beater. :) The SP 175 plus Lincoln is a excellent little welder
and would give my Miller Passport a run for it's money.
The Lincoln has a better arc down low.(IMO)
Parent - By Cbaron Date 10-13-2005 01:42
I personally am loyal to lincoln electric power sources but realistically both are well engineered and they both work well. its a chevy ford thing really. basically you have to ask yourself do i like shiny red or dull blue-
and either way dont forget to wax it when you get it- any tool or equip will preform better and last longer if well taken care of.
Parent - By tdezellem Date 10-13-2005 14:41
I have the Lincoln 175 plus. Its been a great welder for me. I also weld AL on a regular basis. Its tough to weld AL on these machines but it can be done.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Best MIG in the $700 to $800 range?

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