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- - By yankee (*) Date 10-30-2005 03:34
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-30-2005 13:21

Questions (however elementry you may think) that are NOT asked, are dumb questions. If someone has a question and keeps it to themselves and does not ask it....well, that is dumb. They will never know the answer if they don't ever ask. You have to remember that is what this BBS is for, not all of us are as educated in the welding feild as others are. Many nooBs come here looking to get into this field and I think we should show respect for the knowledge or lack of knowledge a person has as they ask questions to broaden their knowledge base.
My $.02
John Wright
Parent - By Arcandflash (**) Date 10-30-2005 14:30
Are you referring to the technical aspects of the question or the grammar and spelling used in the question? That is, what do you exactly mean by "READABLE"?

Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 10-30-2005 14:40
Is there a better place to ask BASIC questions ? Or even "Dumb" Questions.

Are you referring to the ability of users to write a sentence using proper capitalization, paragraph breaks, punctuation or even spelling correctly. I don't do these things correctly I'm sure as I have not studied the subject since 1982 (Last year of School).

Many english teachers are probably looked down upon for their welding skills.

Many levels of experience exist here as do many different languages. I sometimes have a hard time reading some questions written by people with another language as their primary language. It is easy (for me) to sometimes look down at "poorly written" posts by those people with another language as their primary language. Then I have to realize I cannot even say the word weld in any other language and sometimes its easy for ME to pick out other peoples "differences" as "things I am Better at".

Thanks for the topic though. It gave me an opportunity to look at myself a little closer.

Have a nice day

Parent - - By SA-200 (**) Date 10-30-2005 16:34
Of course some dumb questions can be asked here, this is not a forum for welders with 20+ yrs experience and college graduates. There can be a teenager here trying to learn about welding here. Expect a wide range of questions and people here. :)
Parent - - By yankee (*) Date 10-30-2005 20:13
Parent - - By ratboy69 (*) Date 10-30-2005 21:37
Well Yankee, when you pay a welder $10/hr. which seems like the going rate in Florida, what do you want?, literacy? Give me $20/hr. and I'll learn English for you. America , are you listening? Regards, ---Ratboy
Parent - By yankee (*) Date 10-30-2005 22:08
Parent - - By dschlotz (***) Date 10-30-2005 22:48
Please help the rest of us welders with our images by capitalizing the first word in each of your sentences. Please, capitalize the personal pronoun "I" when you use it anywhere in a sentence.

Parent - - By yankee (*) Date 10-30-2005 23:24
Parent - - By ratboy69 (*) Date 10-31-2005 00:28
Yankee, I don't do welding as a job, only as a hobby. Big, big difference. I was one of those smarta$$ college boys who got a professional degree and make 6 figures since I got the degree-- none of that yada,yada,yada ,work your way up crap. Welding has a severe shortage of quality minded people coming into the field and it will only get worse. Look at New Orleans with Katrina. The black folk were whining to Jesse Jackson that the white man broke the levees. The Mexicans came from all over creation to steal the work in the city. The Mexicans will work for peanuts and bring the wages down. I don't worry as welding is a hobby not my profession. Regards, ----Ratboy
Parent - - By yankee (*) Date 10-31-2005 01:15
Parent - - By metallord (*) Date 10-31-2005 04:05
I think that the difference is that there is people who weld and then there are ticketed welders.In alberta where im from ,you dont work as a welder unless you finish an apprentice program.This gives a person trade time and school time.Im sure a lot of people who ask questions on this forum are not ticketed tradsepeople,does that mean there not allowed to weld,if thats the case then i guess there not allowed to ask questions either.Welding is a great trade,and i think that it is a good thing to know how to do.I also feel that it is up to the people with the knowledge to help the people without,even if that person is just welding the handle back on his sons wagon,if he needs help so be it,thats what this column is for people with questions about welding,no matter what that question might be.
Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 10-31-2005 09:02
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-31-2005 17:43
hawk, my comments are not directed to you, it is simply that attaching to your post puts this near the bottom of the page (for now)

First off, I believe that all of the posts to date have been "readable"; some did not make complete sense until others asked for clarification but the message eventually got through. I think it is VERY important to remember that not everyone expresses him/herself well through a keyboard. That does not make their questions dumb.

I think John Wright said it very well, the only dumb questions are the ones not asked. We have all worded questions that have not come across in an 'eloquent' manner, including myself. I think the patience of the people participating here is one of the strengths of this forum, and I feel that professionally acting people do not need to engage in name calling or making insuations. I feel that anyone who does not have the patience to sort through a post to understand it's intent ought to skip that post or websurf elsewhere.

Common sense implies common knowledge. Certainly everyone understands hitting your thumb with a hammer hurts - commonly sensed outcome based on prior knowledge. Not everyone knows that 1109 rod is really 6011 being read upside down - common sense for those who have had exposure to that knowledge.

Sad to say but I thought I was reading some disparaging comments about black people and Mexicans. There is absolutely no place for that kind of garbage on this forum, or anywhere. I hope I was reading the post the wrong way but I think AWS might want to look at it.

Chet Guilford
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-31-2005 17:37
Hey Yankee & Ratboy69!
Before you make anymore DUMB comments about so-called "dumb-welders" and certain derogatory remarks about specific races and ethnicities, PLEASE READ the RULES and REGULATIONS of this forum regarding what is allowed and what is DEFINITELY NOT allowed!

I'm trying very hard to remain civil in my response to both of you but, it's very hard for me to remain civil so, I'll just end my comments to both of you by saying: GROW UP!!!

Parent - - By yankee (*) Date 11-01-2005 00:46
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 11-01-2005 22:42
then step up to the plate and fill out your USER INFO so we can know who you are and your background. It's easy to shoot at people behind the bushes and insinuate that they are dumb. With all due respect look at your own spelling and grammar, not one of your strengths. This forum is for anyone who would want to use it, experienced or not.
Parent - - By yankee (*) Date 11-02-2005 00:35
Parent - - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 11-02-2005 01:17
What rod do you use to weld aluminum to cast iron?...........just tryin' to add some levity.
Parent - - By NDTIII (***) Date 11-02-2005 02:07
How 'bout dem White Sox!!!
Parent - - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 11-02-2005 02:25
go lions!
Parent - By yankee (*) Date 11-02-2005 02:45
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-03-2005 08:32

Finally!!! After 88 years of waiting, I salute the Chicago Whitesox!!!
Btw, I'm a New York Yankees fan so, Boston and now Chicago -the wait is over!!! On to next year!!!

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!

P.S. Hey Yankee!

If you're an educator, then show a bit more of patience when you read some of the threads in the AWS forum and as a CWI/CWE, you should be demonstrating some level of professionalism when you comment in such a derogatory manner in this forum because unlike your own subjective opinion may lead you to believe, Nobody is perfect. Remember, your initial comments are the reason most of the other participants decided to challenge your assmptions.
The only difference is that you and Ratboy69 became the asses!!!

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / a

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