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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New welder looking for advice
- - By KJArtWelder Date 10-30-2005 19:26
Hi, I'm KJ and I would appricate some advice. I am a student at an art school. Welding is part of the sculpture curriculim and I really have enjoyed welded sculpture. I am now looking for a welding machine to buy for myself, under $500, that will weld steel up to 1/8 inch thick. I belive I have been doing ARC welding at school and would like to contiue in that vein. Anyone have a sugesstion for a welder that is under $500, easy to use and welds steel up to 1/8 inch?
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 10-31-2005 04:21
This isn't a demanding application. Any of the 110 volt wire feeders, either flux core or gas shielded would suffice. A low end stick machine would also be fine, you should even be able to get a DC machine for your price. Oxy-acetylene would also work, and the cutting attachment will find use also. A consideration, especially for wire feeders is that brand names have better parts support.
Parent - By gangel99 (*) Date 11-01-2005 04:02
Hi - I'm a metal sculptor and do a lot of welding. I took a quickie course oriented to artists, learned enough to stick things together, but now wish I had I taken the time to really learn how to do good welding. For this reason I recommend an Oxy-Acetelyne torch setup. Torch welding is slow but this does not matter for most sculpture. You really learn how to control the puddle and use metal welding rod. If you decide later on to get into welding stainless or aluminum with a Tig setup, you will have mastered most of Tig technique.

Although I do most welding now with a small Mig setup I still need the O-A torch for cutting. If I were to get one rig I'd start with the torch.

Good torch setup is about $300; Lincolcn, Miller, or Hobart 110v Mig is around $400 - $500 (including a gas bottle). Used, you might get both for $500 total. Don't get a cheapie welder.
Parent - By Ken Dougherty (**) Date 11-01-2005 05:50
I do art metal myself and have accumulated all kinds of equipment including OA, SMAW (stick), Mig, Tig, plasma cutting and forging equipment. If someone told me I could only keep one thing, it would have to be the OA. With that you can braze several metals, weld, cut, heat, reach forging temp, harden and temper, etc. Even with the luxury of the other stuff, I still use the OA quite often. I also agree that mastering OA will help you prepare for Tig when that time comes.

I have a Hobart Handler 120 (115v) that I bought a number of years back. It has served me well and is quite handy. I have been told (but not confirmed) that the newer Hobart 115v are made with Aluminum wound transformers. I prefer copper windings myself but that is me. I would be interested in other opinions. I avoid off brand welding equipment (20 years ago I had a Sears 110v stick welder - egads, what a mess). It may be a little more money up front but I bet if you compare the performance of the major brands with the off brands, you would agree.

Hope my opinion helps.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / New welder looking for advice

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