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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miller 330 ABP
- By lake (*) Date 11-09-2005 02:43
Really enjoy the forums and thought maybe someone could provide an answer to a problem with my Miller 330. I bought it new in 1976. Never any problems until recently. The AC tig suddenly stopped functioning on the low range. The DC worked fine, and the mid and high range AC worked as well. Then the mid range AC tig died. I opened the case and found two lead wires from the main switch to the ballast resistor? were fried and the nichrome ribbons burned in two next to the connections. The lead wires are about a #6 welding cable size. (For quite a while now, the high freq. doesn't seem to have the energy it once had.(doesn't want to make the jump) I replaced HF contacts about a year ago and that didn't seem to make much difference in starting the arc. Related perhaps?) I replaced the nichrome ribbons and all seemed ok and then the same thing happened again last week. I wonder if any one has an idea what's going on with my old workhorse. All the connections are tight and I didn't spot any obvious damage elsewhere. Any direction here would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks much!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miller 330 ABP

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