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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding potash
- - By alabama1 Date 11-18-2005 16:11
I am converting a wood burning fireplace insert to a stand alone for my shop. The problem I have that while I was converting the unit the door of the stove broke at the top hinge, the metal is potash or pot metal. Can I flux weld it or do I need to do a different type weld?

Thank you for any help
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 11-18-2005 16:22
Pot Metal is basically unweldable due to the fact that is is full of impurities.
I reccomend replacement or JB Weld.

Parent - By alabama1 Date 11-18-2005 16:41
Thanks Tim

I will try the JB Weld first
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 11-18-2005 18:13
Try Aladdin 3 in 1 filler rod, I believe it is from Allstate. Use GTAW and you can tell if the base material is pot metal/zinc die cast by striking an arc and identify the color. If the arc color is purple/violet it is zinc die cast, if it is white it is aluminum and if it is green it is magnesium. Use a die grinder/rotary file and clean ALL weld surfaces then weld with GTAW.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-18-2005 18:35
Are you sure this isn't a cast iron door? I can't imagine that it would be made of pot metal if it has to stand up to the heat of a wood stove. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just struck me funny to hear of a door made of something like that on a wood stove.
John Wright
Parent - By cas (*) Date 11-19-2005 22:47
wouldn't some kind of oxy/act braze/silver solder work on this if its cast steel,or cast iron? can jb weld handle the heat without melting or fuming?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding potash

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