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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / For the people that are smarter than me
- - By QCCWI (***) Date 12-22-2005 15:43
I was reading about some new welding wire the other day and I saw something that puzzled me. The wire can be run 600 ipm with about 40 volts and be under 350 amps.

I am curious to know why being under 350 amps would be important. Does it have to do with the amount of heat being put in the piece of steel or is it just a number that gets thrown in for no apparent reason other than just needing a number.
Parent - - By Mikeomni1 (*) Date 12-22-2005 19:32
My guess is because there are many - many 400 amp power sources out there.

And I'm sure I'm not smarter than you.

Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 12-22-2005 20:23
Smarter than you?? I think not, maybe. If brains were gasoline, I wouldn't have enough fuel to drive an ant's go cart around the inside of a bottle cap. If ignorance were a disability, I'd get the full pension. I wouldn't know up from down if I had three guesses. I'd be out of my depth in a parking lot puddle. I'm intellectually slower than a herd of turtles on valium stampeding through a vat of chunky peanut butter.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-22-2005 20:27
LMFAO!!!! God I love it when people can laugh at themselves! Could probably put myself into several of the above categories!

BUT, what I have learned in all the years of being in this business is those who profess to know the most usually know the least, and those of "us" who realize just how little we know, are usually the real "experts."
Parent - - By QCCWI (***) Date 12-22-2005 20:57
Scott, that sounds like 90% of the people I work with.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 12-22-2005 21:04
Thanks jon20013. That is the nicest thing anybody has said to me since the guys at work told me that I was born fifty years too soon. Actually, I'm not making fun of myself. It's just that here lately I've been suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind. At first, I thought it was just coincidence that my parents had the same surnames before they got married. But now...... Is it really my fault that I have an intellect rivaled only by the Village Idiot's lesser known, but stupider brother? If wit was spit, my mouth would be drier than a shallow well in an African heat wave. If brains were dynamite, I wouldn't have enough TNT to blow the kneecap off a flea. If there's an idea in my head, it's in solitary confinement. I literally could type everything I know on the back of a microscopic postage stamp and still have room leftover for a shopping list. I seriously haven't got a clue, and I couldn't get a clue, during clue mating season, in a field of clues, if I smeared my clueless body in clue musk and did the clue mating dance.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-22-2005 21:22
Parent - - By supermechanic (**) Date 12-22-2005 23:26
Let me join the club. The more I study for the CWI exam, the stupider I seem to be.
When I first got out of trade school, 25 years ago,I couldn't wait to spout facts of knowledge that would shurely impress the masses.
Now when setting-up the parameters on a wire feeder, I lookup the info, and leave nothing to chance.
There may be hope for me yet.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-23-2005 00:31
Ahhhhhh, yet another joins the club of the enlightened ones! Good man!
Parent - By QCCWI (***) Date 12-23-2005 03:06
I can set up a wire feeder with ease. Nothing irks me more than walking through the shop and hearing the sound of a weld being run with the amps to high, volts to low or worse yet wire speed so slow it will take 10 minutes to run a 1/4" weld 10" long. At times I think my job is just to set welding machines. If I had my way I would break the knobs off of the welding machines.

Funny thing is it is always the same guy who messes with the wire feeders.I can never catch him doing it everyone tells me he does it but I just cannot catch him. The guys works 24 hours a day 5 days a week. As a matter of fact I bet someone relate to the guy works in every fab shop in the world. I ask who changed the settings on this welder. The other guy did it. I ask who is the other guy? Answer: I Don't Know. So Mr. I Don't Know works for my company but he is not on the pay roll. I have even told the Production Manager,that he needs to fire the other guy,Mr. I Don't Know but everyday he comes back to work and I get to spent another day trying to catch his butt.Like I have nothing better to do but than hunt down the other guy.

I need help in more ways than one.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 12-24-2005 01:02
swnorris, You're a NATURAL!!! Comedian that is...

If you sign on the dotted line, I can have you working at the improv tomorrow!!!
Seriously, your words made my day!!! Keep-em coming!!!

Hey Jon20013, 51 yrs young huh?
I'm technically 94 yrs old if you count the age of my second liver...
Still, that does'nt make me any smarter than anyone younger than myself... In some areas of experience I may have some wisdom to share with others, and visa-versa...

I've seen self proclaimed welding experts talk a good talk but, could'nt dance a lick or walk the walk, and on a rare occasion I've seen them do both!!! Big Deal!!!

The bottom line is that no one here in this forum knows everything there is to know about welding and it's related topics, and anyone that pretends to do so, sticks out like a sore thumb....

Our willingness to share our experiences, to help each other out is what makes this forum such a GREAT place to participate in!!!

So Merry Christmas to ALL!!!

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 12-27-2005 16:38
Coincidence; I read a quote the other day very fitting for this post.

“It is the providence of Knowledge to speak and the privilege of Wisdom to listen” (Waldo Emerson)

Much Knowledge passes through this Forum and I feel very privileged to read it.

Dose that make me wise?
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / For the people that are smarter than me

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