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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Powcon 300ST
- - By mfromsc Date 12-28-2005 02:27
I have a Powcon 300 ST welding machine, while welding the heat will change drastically by itself, this is with tig or stick, i dont have the foot pedal. Since Powcon has gone out of business any suggestions or direction on repair or advice will be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty handy at repairing things myself, thats the plan.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 12-28-2005 06:17
I don't have any specific suggestions to take care of the problem that you have described regarding your machine, however, I believe that Miller actually bought out the design rights to the Powcon machines, anyone else out there correct me if I'm wrong. If I am correct you might be able to contact Miller directly and they may or may not agree to help you. If nothing else you may be able to get the wiring diagrams and schematics for the machine which would be helpful in the troubleshooting process. One thing that I will caution you on when working on this or any other inverter style welding power source is that they have capicitors which require discharging before the machine is safe from being a shock hazard to you. aevald
Parent - By mfromsc Date 12-29-2005 01:57
Parent - - By jer (**) Date 12-29-2005 01:19
I see those foot pedals on E-bay a lot, also Arc Products out of San Diego sells parts for Pow Con
Ph# 619-628-1022
Parent - By mfromsc Date 12-29-2005 01:57
Parent - - By cfrancis (**) Date 12-29-2005 15:13
Yes,,Miller bought out PowCon. I have several of there Drawn Arc Stud machines. Sean Moran is the gentlemen who at least last year,,was the product manager on this line and seemed very knowledgable. He can be reached at 920-954-3828.
Parent - By mfromsc Date 12-30-2005 03:03
thank you. i'll give him a try
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Powcon 300ST

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