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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Wire
- - By dougpfaff Date 01-07-2006 04:05
Is there such a thing as flux-core stainless welding wire? If so, where can I find it?

Thanking you for your time,

Doug Pfaff
Parent - By metallord (*) Date 01-07-2006 04:10
for sure ,it comes in all grades.308,309,316.kobe is the brand we use up here in should be able to find something.but its not cheap.

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 01-07-2006 09:00
Hello Doug, as Metallord responded it is readily available from a number of sources: Kobe, Avesta, Hyundai, the list goes on. The catch here is that it is really expensive. The last time that I priced a roll it was in the $500.00+ range for a 316L type. If you're still interested get into contact with your local supplier and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to set you up. Good luck, aevald
Parent - - By - Date 01-07-2006 13:56
As aevald pointed out, stainless steel flux core wire can be purchased from most welding distributors in the USA, depending on the particular brand you are requesting. Avesta and Kobe are the "Big Two" when it comes to quality and weldability. Both are very user friendly. As the Technical Service Manager for Avesta, I would have to say that I prefer the Avesta brand for a number of reason. Aevald is also right that it is expensive compared to carbon steel flux core wire, but stainless steel FCW contains much more corrosive resistant elements than carbon steel wires. A 316L .045" diameter stainless steel flux core wire will cost approximately $250.00-$300.00 for a 33 lb. spool. Airgas stocks the Avesta brand of FCW and the 316L FCW .045" diameter is right around that price for a 33lb. spool.
Parent - - By dougpfaff Date 01-07-2006 23:52
I have one other question. Is it available in .030 or .035?
Parent - By - Date 01-08-2006 13:48
Available in .035" diameter and .045" and .063" (1/16) diameter.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-08-2006 03:21
CMEADOWS, thank you for correcting me on the pricing aspect of stainless flux-cored wire. I am very happy to see that it is considerably less than I had thought. Do you think that I would be incorrect in saying that if the smaller diameter wires are available that typically they cost more and it is likely that he would not need to use them anyway? Regards, aevald
Parent - By - Date 01-08-2006 13:58
You would be totally correct in saying that a .035" is more expensive than a .045" or .063" diameter because of the extra care it takes to adequately put the flux in the smaller diameter. And, to be honest, an .045" can do about anything an .035" wire can do. Flux core welding (stainless steel) is probably one of the easiest welding processes, if not THE easiest. With SS MIG welding in the short arc mode of transfer it is easy to have cold lap and lack of fusion on heavier wall pipe. In spray mode you are limited to flat welding unless you have a pulse machine. With flux core it is quite easy to weld in all positions without having the worry about cold lap and lack of fusion. As in any welding process, it always helps to have the machine set according to the thickness of the part, the joint configuration, and the position of welding. If this is not done correctly it doesn't matter what process you are using, it isn't going to work to it's maximum benefits.

Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 01-10-2006 04:27
Cmeadows (Technical Service Manager for Avesta) what is your opinion on Metal Cored welding for stainless steel. Does Avesta have a good quality wire for this type of welding? If so, what type would you recommend for welding 316 material? I just completed a procedure on 3/4 in. carbon steel plate using Gas Shielded Cored Wire including the root pass. All side bends and tensiles were OK. As an instructor of a training centre, it is my responsibility to look for products that will meet industry standards.
Thanks for any feedback.
Parent - - By Zeke (*) Date 01-11-2006 20:59
Being an avid Stainless welder, I have tried every brand and process available. In my humble opinion, you would be crazy to use anything but gas shielded FCAW. You will pay a high price for any Stainless filler material. Why worry about spatter, slag problems, incomplete fusion and oxidation that some processes and brands offer. For about the same price, you can have a perfect weld every time. Chuck is correct in saying there are 2 brands that stand out. I myself prefer the Kobelco brand. Most all manufacturers can eventually create a good heat, but Kobe and Avesta do it every time. For some unknown reason, consistency is dominant with the Japanese manufacturers in this process. One spool will make you a believer if you have not already tried it. If it is too expensive, shop around. Both these products are available in every market and can be found at a reasonable price.

Parent - By - Date 01-12-2006 15:00
"For some unknown reason, consistency is dominant with the Japanese manufacturers in this process". Are you suggesting that Avesta does not produce it's own FCAW?
Parent - - By - Date 01-11-2006 21:02
Strictly my opinion, I had rather run the gas shielded flux core wire than the metal core wire. From my experience only, I did not particularly like the welding characteristics of the metal core wire. Although it is a high deposition wire, I believe it is mostly used in the flat and sometimes horizontal position. Personally, I did not like the welder usability of it and did not like the aesthetics. With the advent of today's gas shielded flux core wire, also a high deposition wire, it is easy to get spoiled to the gas shielded flux core wire. Avesta does not make a matel core wire, but makes an excellent gas shielded flux core wire. I can honestly say that in my personal opinion, the Avesta is second to none as far as flux core wire is concerned.

I certainly agree that it is always good to stay abreast of new technology on the market. While it may not be your designated "responsibility", I think it will benefit you to know what is new technology.

Parent - - By Zeke (*) Date 01-12-2006 14:25
Mr. Meadows, I know from a previous post that you are very precise about the meaning and use of words. For that reason, I would like to correct this post. Avesta "sells" a very good Stainless Flux cored wire. They "make" a very sub-par Stainless flux cored electrode. I am against anyone using a forum as a sales tool. If you are going to do that, get it straight.
Parent - - By - Date 01-12-2006 14:51
"They make a very sub-par Stainless flux core electrode". What do you mean by that? Also, you stated that you prefer the Kobelco brand of FCAW. I only stated that I prefer the Avesta brand. Since you are fairly new to this forum, you should know that we all share opinions on a number of things, including personal preferences on stainless steel wire. If you consider stating one's opinion on a certain brand of wire as a sales tool, then you are just as guilty as me. I was in no way using this forum as a sales tool, and you need to get that straight. In this forum I DO NOT represent Avesta. All of the things I speak of in here is of my personal feelings and opinions.
Parent - - By texredneck (**) Date 01-12-2006 19:02
Mr Meadows, I dont know about most of the other members, but I for one did not take it as a sales pitch. I know there are salesy kinda guys out there...but so far in reading others posts from other threads youve made you dont appear to be in the sales dept. You shoot to straight from all Ive read. Anyway, my take is that if you work for someone and you like their product you should be able to say it. If you work for someone and dont like their product you should be able to say it. Its easy for an individual to claim your being biased, but it seems unfair to say this because that logic would exclude an individual like yourself from taking an active role in an adult discussion about products such as this. I could be out of turn here. But I dont see any breach of ethics, inappropriate sales pitches, or anything else that would constitute the previous post. But again thats just me
Parent - - By - Date 01-12-2006 19:23
Thank you very much for your response. If anyone else read the preceeding posts, I would think that the majority of them would take it just as you did. Voicing one's preference, based upon 35 years in this business, does not constitute a sales pitch. As I stated earlier, in this forum I do not, in any way, represent Avest Welding Products even though that is who I work for. All information from me is from me, not Avesta. Like Zeke professes, I too have run virtually every brand of stainless on virtually every welding process, and I just like Avesta. That is my personal preference. If Zeke can state his preference then criticize me for doing the same thing, well, he needs to look in the mirror. I try very hard in this forum to give accurate information based partly from personal experience but primarily from documented evidence. Again, thank you for your support.

Chuck (not Mr. Meadows)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-12-2006 20:16
Hey Chuck!

Man!!! Do'nt even dignify Zeke's comments!!!
His use of words are very puzzling to say the least. I mean "A very good Stainless flux cored wire. They make a very sub-par Stainless flux cored electrode." Huhhhh???
Zeke! are you talking about a SMAW flux cored electrode? Because if you are, then you better go back and hit the books again or you probably meant to write "flux COVERED" instead... In any event, please get your facts straight Zeke!!!

I've been around this business since I was 14 years old (31 on and off years total), and I've never heard of a smaw rod type "flux cored electrode" of any type EVER!!! I've learned over the years that the "Flux cored wire" becomes a continuous consumable ELECTRODE once the arc is established and everything else is energized...

I also agree with Texredneck about whether or not Chuck Meadows was making a sales pitch. As far as I'm concerned and I expect that others will cuncurr, "CMeadows" has been a Very Important Knowledge base for all of us who frequently or not, participate in this AWS forum. As far as I know, he has never written one detrimental word about any of Avesta's competitors, and that speaks volumes to me!!!

So Chuck, Keep it coming Brother!!! There are plenty of sponges here waiting to absorb your knowledge and wisdom that you're willing to share - for free I might add!!!

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-12-2006 20:36
Zeke; I dont know you, have never seen you in here before and have no personal gripe with you, but I'll tell you this, Chuck Meadows DOES NOT use the AWS Forum as a sales tool! He has given very sound advice to many people in here including myself. He has also written me providing guidance on his own time to my personal e-mail address. He has never ONCE tried to sell his product line to me. You better get your stories straight before you start flinging arrows at people like Chuck Meadows! If ya want to fling something go find ratboy@
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-12-2006 21:46
Please don't interpret this post as a responce to a *SNERT, but rather a praise of the function of the forum and the generally high quality of it's membership.

Funny what sets folks off eh?

Personally I've been taking advantage of Chucks, and many others @Free@ advice for quite some time now. This forum is an awsome place to gain technical information and even wisdom if you pay close attention. There is real international networking going on here. (After I shook hands with Chuck at the last Expo I diddn't wash my hand for a week)

Now I find myself wondering why I haven't spent a nickel on Avesta products in the last 3 years. Either ol Chuck is a lousy salesman or he ain't even tryin.

Having seen his suit, I vote for the latter option.

Footnote *SNERT____Snot Nosed Rude Egotistical Twerp

Parent - By gyadon (**) Date 01-12-2006 21:33
We talked at the AWS show in IL. Just keep up your good work. I have learn a lot from your post and your papers. Thanks very much.

Parent - - By - Date 01-12-2006 23:15
Avesta does not make a sub-par stainless flux cored electrode. (is there such a thing) Of course you being the avid stainless welder that has tried every brand and welding process known to man should know that. Perhaps you meant to say stainless flux coated electrode that is sub-par? Could that be the case or might it be that the welder is sub-par? Have you got a mirror handy? Perhaps before you start attempting to correct other people's posts, maybe YOU should be more precise about the meaning and use of words. Oh, and to correct another one of your misconceptions, Avesta indeed "sells" and "makes" a very good flux cored wire in Avesta, Sweden. S-W-E-D-E-N. Sorry, don't mean to correct someone that knows it all and has done it all. Maybe you are the one that should "get it straight".
Parent - - By Zeke (*) Date 01-13-2006 03:45
Relax! I know that you are obviously a big asset to many. I admit I am new to this board. From the limited posts that I have read, it does seem a little heavy on the sales however(not just from you). I was trying to rile you up a little from the last post we went back and forth on. Remember, you did not think I knew what the word "definitely" meant? I had actual test results on the issue and you tried to debunk them with outdated specs. Specs are outdated before they are even printed. Committees revise specs continuously because none of us know it all, including you. We are finding new things in this industry every day. Close minded people slow the implementation of new technology. In addition, why are you and ssbn727 thinking I do not know the difference between FCAW and SMAW? I said nothing of SMAW. Is it because I refered to it as a "Stainless flux cored electrode"? I believe this is correct since it is stated as an electrode in the title to ANSI/AWS A5.22. New forum members would stick around longer if some wouldn't assume that they are ignorant right off the bat. As for the "make" and "sell" issue, you know more about it than I do. I won't go into it unless you want me to. I don't like to talk poorly about products either. I have already stated that I like the products that Kobe and Avesta sell. I can honestly say that I also like the ESAB, Stoody, Welding Alloys and Bohler products.

Parent - - By - Date 01-14-2006 17:39
If I were you, I think I would quit while you still have some credibility left. Let me tell you why I say that. You criticized me for your personal feelings that I was using this forum as a selling tool. You are right, I agree, as most others will attest, it is not intended to be used as selling tools. But, that was not the case. But, this forum is also not intended to be used to come in and cause friction and try to start dissention. In your own words, "I was trying to rile you up a little bit..." If you want to rile me up, please have the courtesy do it outside the eyes of this forum. This forum is comprised of many well educated, highly experienced, mature men and women. The lack of maturity and professionalism by trying to rile someone up is not needed in such a forum as this. Just because you had a cryogenic test result that passed the minimum lateral expansion tests with a high ferrite number does not mean that ASME, ANSI, and AWS is going to run out there and change what years and years of technology has proven to be the case. Then, your comment about "New forum members would stick around longer if some wouldn't assume that they are ignorant right off the bat" really confused me since at one time or another every person in this forum was a "new forum member". Like your tests, do you have any documented evidence that this is a fact, or it is just something you feel? What do you have to back up that statement? Zeke, as many have said, and even you admitted being a new member, this forum is very valuable to a lot of people. There is no one person more valuable than others. Each of us have our own line of expertise and we all are willing to unselfishly share our knowledge, experience and documented evidence. One last thing, having many collegues and also acquaintances on a number of ASME and ANSI and even AWS committees I disagree that they are constantly revising these specs. Addendums to specs are not done overnight. It takes sometimes years to do this. It is an ongoing testing process. You know, I took the time and had the professionalism to publicly apologize to every member of this forum for anything I directed towards you that might have affected my integrity in this forum. It might not hurt if you did the same instead of trying to justify it.
Parent - By Zeke (*) Date 01-16-2006 23:52

I never said that the materials with high ferrite should be adopted by any specification. I suggested that it was an interesting document. You kept throwing specifications at me trying to refute the document I was trying to share with others. Just like the above posts, it was taken to seriously. Relax, it is a forum to share ideas. It is not a king of the mountain contest. I do apologize if I have caused you heartache. It was not intended to seriously upset you. I think this is a great forum to learn and enjoy some lighthearted comments. Look at what ssbn727 has said to me? You both criticized my welding? You have no idea how I weld. ssbn criticized my English??????? My English may not be acceptable to my former 9th grade english teacher, but I can assure you that she would approve it over his. Maybe I do have some problems with English. Both of you somehow thought I was mingling in SMAW thoughts? At least my comments came from something that was said on the board. Do these comments get to me? Not in a million years. Or as ssbn727 said "Fugetaboudit" or something like that. Bottom line is that I do feel bad if I caused you grief. Keep plugging away, because many do benefit from your experience. Just don't get bent out of shape if someone feels as if a post is slanted a little bit.

Best Regards,
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-13-2006 09:44
Hey Chuck!

Did you say mirror? I still got two "Mag's" that I break out from time to time just to practice ya know? keeeps your head in the right direction if ya get my meaning Zeke? In other words: Please proof read what you write because if you did on this thread, there would'nt have been any confusion occurring based on the context in which you wrote the following sentences in question: Quote "Avesta "sells" a very good stainless flux cored wire. They "make" a very sub-par Stainless flux cored electrode."

Now to me, those two sentences contradict each other, and these are not the only ones that contradict !!!
Therefore, I thought Zeke made an error in his typing, and based on Zeke's own preference to Kobelco over every other brand while at the same time ranking Avesta as number two, this comment found also in this thread makes me wonder about your comments "Zeke"!!!
So, I'll summarize it as plain as I can to you;
"Get it Straight on your side before you request the same from others that make their living doing so"!!!

Finally, if you're going to make these type of comments, then make your e-mail available so one can debate you personally on your objections to anyone's comments, and not distract the participants of this forum from sharing their own opinions to queries made by them during the evolution of the thread... I list mine in my profile... Why is yours "Hidden"??? Hmmm, go figure fellas huh???

Run Silent... Run deep!!!
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 01-13-2006 05:07
Zeke, you took my question to CMeadows out of contexts. I asked, CMeadows, if Avesta makes a good GMAW (metal cored stainless steel wire). As an instructor, i would buy a few different brands and give it my opinion. Opinions we get from different people are great, but we still need to try the products for ourselves to see the best results. I have had many a saleperson visit me and say, our product is the best. But until we try it, we are always a little doubtful. Consumables (sometimes) are only as good, as the operator who can set the proper parameters for welding that will net a good end job!
Parent - - By Zeke (*) Date 01-13-2006 12:29
Yes, it did get way off topic. There are some really fired up people on this board. If you read my first post however, you will see my opinion on Metal cored Stainless. My comment was that it is not worth the spool it is put on. Use the high deposition gas shielded FCAW instead. Of course, everyone has their own opinions, but that is what I have found. Now, I need to go get a mirror to see how pathetic I am. And ssbn727 says I need a "mag" to keep my head on straight? Then I need some welding lessons, because someone who has never met me said that I cannot weld (the worst compliment you could give me in my opinion". I also should put my e-mail address on here so people that have no clue what me and Chuck are going back and forth about can leave useless banter about mags and such to fill up my inbox. Good luck with your testing. I hope you will come back and leave your opinion, so that we can compare.

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-13-2006 12:41
Zeke, I don't think any of us really know you well enough to either compliment nor criticize your technical abilities, but when you start throwing stones at a highly respected member of this forum who has selflessly helped so many of us well then, you can expect to be attacked.

It's nothing personal, trust me, we've all had some sh*t thrown at us from time to time but please use caution when assuming things about the intentions of anyone posting here.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-16-2006 22:41
Hey Zeke!

We welcome your participation in this forum most of the time...
The only time I will tell you that you cannot weld is when I write it in plain ENGLISH in one of my posts, PERIOD!!! That is something as an educator, I would NEVER do!!!

The only thing that I will suggest to you is to enroll in a remedial english or better yet, a writing skills class at your local community college because brother, YOU NEED A REFRESHER COURSE IN THIS SUBJECT MATTER!!!
Parent - - By chall (***) Date 01-12-2006 21:33
Chuck, I think you'll find an overwhelming majority of thankful people here.

Zeke missed the boat entirely.

Charles Hall
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 01-12-2006 23:39
One thing that I can say about this folks, when someone stirs the pot a little a whole host of information can come to light. I really enjoy everyones input concerning the many and varied topics on the Forum. God gave man common sense (hopefully)and the right to choose (hopefully), the way I look at it, the Forum and it's responses give all of us a little bit to think about and some choices to make. Best regards everyone! aevald
Parent - - By - Date 01-13-2006 03:18
To everyone in this thread, I want to take this opportunity to apologize for the comments I directed toward Zeke. I fully realize that everyone has equal right to voice their opinions and feelings in this forum. Zeke had the right to post his feelings and I was wrong to try to focus on his misconceptions. For this I apologize to you all. There is a great bunch of guys, and ladies, that participate in this forum with expertise in many different fields. To let one person get to me was a lack of professionalism on my part. I hope that I can continue to have a great relationship with each of you. I feel honored to have the opportunity to share knowledge and experience with every person that so unselfishly shares their feelings in here. Knowledge not shared is wasted knowledge. If I have offended any of you, please accept my apologies. Thank you all for your support.

Parent - - By texredneck (**) Date 01-13-2006 04:00
I took no offense nor see you in any different light because of a previous post. Infact, youre last post only adds to youre credibility as a gentleman. I personally appreciate the contributions you make to this forum.... just remember to error is human. To admit that error takes a REAL man.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-13-2006 10:28
Hey Chris!

NO!!! U Dah MAN Brother and so is Chuck!!!
Tell"em Larry!!!
I do'nt think he's been on one Chall!!!

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - - By andy (**) Date 01-13-2006 09:11
Chuck - slightly off topic, but relevant to stainless FCAW, do Avesta have any creep data for stainless FCAW?

Parent - - By - Date 01-14-2006 17:49
Hi Andy,
I, personally, do not have any credible documented creep data for FCAW, but I will check with our R&D in Sweden and see what I can find. Is that OK?

Parent - By andy (**) Date 01-16-2006 09:16
Chuck - that would be great.

Also, thanks to Zeke for sending me a paper on this very subject.
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