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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding effects on eyes and health.
- - By Advice-Seeker Date 01-10-2006 19:51
Hi all, im new to welding, and im looking for some info on the effects of welding on your eyes and health, Has anyone here who welds suffered seeing or health problems due to welding, and are there any other steps i can take to protect my eyes other than just wearing the correct lenses?
Thanks in advance for any information.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-10-2006 20:22
Check the following links which are from the AWS Safety & Health Fact Sheets:

I think these may help. There are many potential health problems in the welding industry. Nearly all health related problems can be avoided by the person exposed to such hazards being educated and using recommended practices.

You will find numerous Safety & Health Fact Sheets by going to the AWS Homepage and pulling down on the Toolbar labeled "Publications."

Incidentally, the AWS Board of Directors has authorized a free download of Z49.1 "the" industry standard with regard to safety & health in the welding profession.

Good luck on your quest for knowledge!
Parent - - By Arcandflash (**) Date 01-11-2006 16:28
Jon20013 has given you good references. I am just going to add that your are correct to be concerned about your health. The eyes tend to be the obvious concern but place equal emphasis on your lungs. Even though the effects may not show up for years, they can be totally devastating and if you are young please don't fall into the "it can't happen to me" trap. All of us older-and-wiser guys have a list of things we would take a lot more care with if we were to do it over again.

Good Luck
Parent - - By RICHCHARLES (*) Date 01-12-2006 01:40
i was recently at the optomitrist, and he said that there would be no long term affects on the eyes from welding. Has to do with the lightwaves or something like that.
Parent - By texredneck (**) Date 01-12-2006 08:51
Yeah a friend of mine, he served in vietnam to put a spec on his age, and been welding ever since. Basically hes been out of welding schjool since '71. He said over the years his eye sights gotten worse and worse. Asked the ophthmologist, ophtho said, nope its not the welding, its your age. Thougha lot of guys assme its the welding. He said the things happening happen to everyone. Some just get it at differnt stages. You should be careful. Injuries are bad. But if you wear the proper shade and such, youll be just fine. Thats what I was told and im figuring if I follow it and it still gets me...well atleast I tried :D
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-12-2006 13:24
I expect if welding effects the sight, it is because of the inadvertant flashes that catch you by surprise. A good shield is worth every penny to me, I consider it a tool just like anything else in my toolbox. Can't do the job without the right tools;)
John Wright
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-12-2006 14:10
I'm just going to offered an untrained, unqualified medical opinion here; I have researched this issue a bit myself and nearly 100% of the readings I've found say that welding has no long term affect on eyesight.

The professionals (Opticians, etc.) know a helluva lot more than I ever will about this topic, but I am thinking perhaps, (since it seems common among welders) that maybe it's the strain on the eyes from concentrating on the puddle for so many hours per day having more to do with the failing of eyesight than any actual "damage" caused by ultraviolet radiation?
Parent - By texredneck (**) Date 01-12-2006 19:07
Well Jon I think your theory is very plausable. I would personally even agree. But infortuntately these things can be hard to determine. I guess they affect differnt people differnetly. Differnt people have differnt tendencies toward various medical issues, from eyes to ears to lungs. I think its very tough to say whats directly related to the welding and whats not. But I think you may at minimum have a very good theory about the eyes.
Parent - By Advice-Seeker Date 01-14-2006 04:35
Thanks for the replys all.
YEs i am young and i dont have an it wont happen to me attitude, Im taking every measure i can to proect myself, and so far i love welding.
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