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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / weld Reinforce
- - By khodabandeh (**) Date 01-14-2006 10:55
If the piping line to be used with welding defects for oxygen service (having 272 joints weld repair out of a total 304 joints) according to owner,s decision (due to delays) and contrary to our recommendation.(we are owners consultants).owner insists that all the repaired welds to be reinforced with ring plates that to be welded outside the joints weld repair.(The material specification is A312 TP321)
Will you kindly let us know what is your idea about this?
Best Regards
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 01-14-2006 15:05

Before I answer your question, please answer the following:

What are the governing Codes for this project?
As the owner's Consultants, what has been the Owner's position on the myriad of problems with this project that you have previously posted?
Has any of this contractor's negligent work been ripped out and replaced with correct weldments?

Parent - By khodabandeh (**) Date 01-14-2006 16:03
Dear Tim,
The used code is ASME B31.3
I Should reply to your question that we are now near to end of this project and the owner don,t replace any contructor because here is bad condition also depend on many things.
Best Regards.
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 01-14-2006 15:59
Are you saying that the rejected welds were already repaired? Is your concern with servicability of repaired welds?
Parent - - By khodabandeh (**) Date 01-14-2006 16:35
Dear Sir,
The owner decided to start to operate the high pressure oxygen service piping line,without repairing the welding defects with reinforced ring plate that are welded outside of weld jonits repaired.
( the operation pressure is more than 42 bar).
Best Regards
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 01-14-2006 20:26
Dear Sir,

While I am sure that I do not know all of the difficulties of your situation, this problem, and the other problems that you have posted have led me to believe that this project is doomed for multiple catastrophic failures which may indeed lead to loss of people's lives and failure of the entire system.
The Contractor seems to not care at all about the future integrity of this project.
The owner or owner's representative's also seem to only care about getting the project online, regardless of the risks.
I wonder who will be held responsible when these systems begin to fail?
As the Consultant, have you been signing your name for approval of these systems?
If so, it seems to me that you are being set up as a "scapegoat", or someone who will take the blame.
If it were me, I would copy documents that show that these systems have not been constructed in compliance with the applicable Codes, quit the job under protest of these events and forward copies of the documents to whatever authority there may be that can properly investigate this situation.
Again, I don't pretend to know all of the details of your situation. I am only able to base my opinion on the numerous posts that you have made on this forum.
I wish you luck, sir, in whatever you decide to do, as I am truly concerned about your safety and the safety of the people who will be operating these systems in the future.

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 01-15-2006 04:01
NASA learned a gruesome lesson in one of it's space capsules by using oxygen as the atmosphere for the astronauts. It sounds as though this facility could end up with atmospheres of oxygen in various parts of the facility with catastrophic results. I would concur with the other posters that are warning you about the situation that you are describing. Good luck in rectifying this obviously dangerous situation. aevald
Parent - By khodabandeh (**) Date 01-15-2006 05:43
I never signed any approval document about particular work,but I tried to stop this method and proved that all defected welds must be repaired according to standard with proper WPS.But I wanted to get your approval and tell them that they are not doing the proper method. Also please reply to my last question with this topic:(Weld imperfection )
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / weld Reinforce

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