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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Section IX Interpretation
- - By welderette (**) Date 02-20-2006 16:16
Gentlemen and Ladies: My company is wanting to bring in sub-contractors to weld on our project. They are to be paid by thier employer. My boss feels that we can test these welders to our WPS, certify them and put them to work. I have been scouring Section IX, and do not see where this is legal. The sub-contracting company does not hold WPS's equivalent to our's, and therefore the tenents of QW-300.3 do not support this arrangement.QW-103.1 is quite clear that responsibility rests with each contractor or manufacturer. QW-201 also clearly identifies responsibility of each manufacturer holding thier own WPS"s. Am I missing something here? If feel that the sub-contractor must test thier welders, submit to us thier WPS's and WPQ's for review and then can be utilized. Am I wrong? Any insights would be greatly appreciated,thanks, Deb
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-20-2006 18:15

It all depends on how the subcontract is managed. We are preparing to bring in a number of subcontractors who will be paid by their own company but will be under supervision by us. In this case there's not a problem but your company must have the right to remove (not necessarily terminate) welders from your site and also have to have the ability to provide DIRECT supervision in order to do so. I believe you may find this addressed in QW-300.2. The key is the welders provided by your subcontractor should be dealt with simply as a labor pool operating under your companies welding program and procedures.
Parent - - By welderette (**) Date 02-20-2006 18:22
Jon, Are you going to test these welders in house, or do they carry thier certs with them from thier company?
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-20-2006 18:59
No, they would have to be tested by us, using our WPS. While some ASME Codes permit acceptance of existing performance qualifications, ASME III does not. If I recall, I believe your work falls under B31.3? If so, I believe B31.3 provides an option for the owner to accept existing performance qualifications however if these welders are going to use your WPS' then they would have to qualify to those parameters.
Parent - By welderette (**) Date 02-20-2006 19:08
Wonderful, that is exactly what I need to know. Thanks and let the testing begin. Deb
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Section IX Interpretation

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