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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / dual shield hobart wire test need help
- - By dandimand Date 02-21-2006 00:21
Im doing a test tomorrow morning on half inch plate back up strip all position 5/8 root . Ive got most of the passes down pat have been running about 23.5 volts and around 180 ipm wire speed Co2 gas. i think the wire is 71 excel arc . im haveing some problems on my passes close to the cap and the cap . the vert up is no problem or the flat but the over head and the horizontal when i lose my edge im kinda wandering around with my stringer passes they arent straight any suggestions Im haveing a hard time seeing any type of edge once the edges are gone Ive been told i cant use a pipe wheel to grind in a reference mark so any tips would be appreciated.
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 02-21-2006 03:15
I use a half round mill bastard file to make lines on test coupons when I am having this problem. Soap stone disapears. Good luck.

Parent - By Zeke (*) Date 02-21-2006 15:05
It is probably too late for the test, but I have to ask, what diameter of wire are you using? Even for 0.045" you are set very low. E71T-1's are not designed to be run at 180 IPM and 23.5 Volts on 100% CO2. IMHO, for 0.045 you should be at a minimum of 220 IPM and 26-27 Volts with CO2. Even for overheads and verts, these settings are a minimum. If the wire is Excel arc, you should find it to smooth out a little with the higher settings. You also will have a better chance in avoiding lack of fusion and slag inclusion with the increased arc energy. If the diameter is 0.035, you are probably okay. However, I am not sure that excel arc 71 is offered in 0.035.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-21-2006 15:12
I have been known to clamp a rod or bar to the test plate just to the edge of the groove. This gives me an edge that can be seen easily while I'm welding. Move the bar to the opposite edge when you are making that pass. Make sure the guide bar is not too close to the groove and what ever you do, don't weld the bar to the test plate as you pass by it.

Good luck - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / dual shield hobart wire test need help

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