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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Basic noob question, TIA
- - By motofabart Date 04-03-2006 23:55
Howdy I have just gotten involved with welding through onsite training at work-16 hour gas class. I am interested in pursuing this further. Anyway, I posted a want ad for tooling and got a response for an older gas powered Miller Legend, at what seems to be a really cheap price of $200. Here's my questions;

a. What material will I be able to work with, eventually, with this machine? -Seller sent me a pdf for the manual from Miller circa 1992, 50 or 60 HZ machines.

b. What should I look for when I go to inspect this machine? -I don't even know how to use the dang thing yet, much less take it out for a spin.

c. What are the questions I need to ask the seller?

Thank You for any assistance. I understand this site is mostly for pros and I appreciate your patience.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 04-04-2006 05:01
a- No personal experience with this machine but a look at millers site indicates it is a DC constant current machine. At least stick weld steel (and other materials with appropriate rods) probably more.

c- Ask the seller to demonstrate the machine, you should see it weld at a low setting and at a high setting.

b- No big leaks, no big smoke, be a little flexible, it's only $200. It should start without too much trouble (needs starting fluid is a bad sign). No mechanical rap when running. The demonstration welds should look nice, but that may just indicate how bad or good a welder the seller is. At the low setting the arc should start easily. At the high setting the engine should be able to carry the load without losing a lot of rpm's.

Lots of different people come here, newbe, artist, hobbyist, and pros too. You will find that you are welcome here.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-04-2006 13:01
Like Bill stated, "Welcome", if you find you need to ask more questions after you've had a chance to ckeck out that welder, come on back.
Many, many different levels of expertice and many different backgrounds in the welding field here, most of us fit in somewhere. :)
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Basic noob question, TIA

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