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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI Seminar is a "JOKE"
- - By tperez Date 04-14-2006 11:51
“justcurious” - I truly apologize for the recent experience your husband received at the PA seminar. I contacted John Ospina, Director of Education Services, to make him fully aware of the complaints concerning this instructor.

If your husband would like to speak directly to John he can be reached at (800) 443-9353, ext. 462 or send an email to

We appreciate all comments. It is through feedback such as yours, that we are able to continue to improve our services.

Best regards,
Terry Perez
Certification Operation Director

Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 04-15-2006 03:19
Hello Terry,
I'm just going to make several comments concerning the posts for this particular situation. I can understand the frustration of the person attending this seminar. I find that most are reluctant to "speak up" to an instructor fearing a poor grade or a fail. I had similar incidents in college and because I was in my mid forties, I had no fear to interrupt the teacher or professor and make a comment that they were drifting off on another tangent not related and not the curriculum I was attending and trying to learn. Needless to say I "piddled in their Wheaties", and had to go to the Dean several times to make it perfectly clear...."I'M PAYING FOR THIS SUBJECT....TEACH THE SUBJECT!!!".

You show character taking this issue and getting some resolution. It is good that forums such as this can allow one to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding any facet of their career goals. Those who teach must have honor and respect those who seek to expand their horizons of knowledge. I'm sure this particular instructor must have a formidable mental welding database to maintain his position, but needs some guidance regarding personal issues not related to the subject of the seminar.

Thanks for taking the time......Denny
Parent - - By justcurious (*) Date 04-17-2006 20:35
Mr. Perez,
I thank you for responding to the forum about the problems that I had at the seminar. In no way were any of my complaints about AWS as a whole. I completely blame the instructor for the bad seminar. The whole reason for the forum that was started was to see if anybody else had a bad seminar or if anybody else had bad experiences taking the seminar. As you can tell, most have been happy with theirs.

My instructor was truly horrible. Nothing that I have said in previous post was untrue nor made to seem worse than it really was. I believe that if you was to talk to most at the seminar, they would agree with me. I feel like I could have just went to work that week, then Sat took the test and saved alot of money. Instructor was hardly there anyway. Would just give us sample test, then he would take off (to enjoy the sights of Pittsburg and to look at property) and we never recieved our tensile from him to take our test.

I am not asking for my money back, but I would like a raincheck to retake the seminar for whenever I choose. I am not asking to retake test but one day to retake seminar. And with a different instructor besides Gene. Any questions, Please contact me at

Thank you, Jason
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-19-2006 17:03
Hi Jason!

I do agree with you about deserving a rain check for taking the seminar over... I'm going to take the test again in October but, I doubt that I'll be getting a raincheck from the AWS, because of the same experience I had with the instructor as you did!!! I waited too long to speak out...

Besides, I've had enough time, and previous exposure to know exactly what to expect, and what to prepare for leading up to the exam. That's why I'm choosing to skip the seminar this time around and just take the test on Saturday...

I'm just glad that someone spoke up about this instructor and that the AWS is hopefully doing something about it because, just think about all of the folks that were confused and distracted, not to mention ill served by this individual in preparation for the exam???
Just think how many folks did not pass because they fell short in the open book part of the exam all because, this person did not focus enough on that part during the seminar???

It would've been nice to have the option (You pay for shipping) of having the books sent to you ahead of time like once they confirmed your payment...

Anywho, I hope you did well on your exam in spite of everything that happened in the seminar!!!

Run Silent... Run Deep!!!

Parent - By justcurious (*) Date 04-26-2006 16:24

Thanks for the reply. I am still sitting here waiting for the results of my test. One day I think I passed, the next day I am pretty sure I failed. I will be glad to just get the results back. One of the guys I was taking the test with told me that he took the test before. About 3 weeks after he took the test, he recieved some papers to sign up for the seminar. He was a little confused until about 2 days later he recieved his failing results in.

I have talked to someone at AWS, but I don't think they are going to do anything. Maybe I should have called that Monday or Tuesday of the seminar. Oh well, you learn from your mistakes and move on and learn not to do them again. NO more seminars for me.

I think that I failed the pratical part of the test. Some of the new people going to take it need to know that if you answer one question wrong, the next 2 or 3 are also going to be wrong. You have to get one right, to get the next right. You can measure it 4 different ways and get 4 different answers and the answer is almost always going to be a choice (right or wrong) Then that answer carries on to the next problem.

Thanks for letting me write the long post
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI Seminar is a "JOKE"

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