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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / PQR and welder qual
- - By dmilesdot (**) Date 04-21-2006 11:46
If a welder runs a pqr for fracture critical work, and it fails the radiograph, is his previous cert. in question?
Parent - By chall (***) Date 04-21-2006 12:04
Based strictly on failing the RT - no.

However, you, or any of your clients may elect to review the welder's competency. If, based on the review you decide the welder's certs should be pulled "for cause", that decision may be made. In my opinion, absent a lot more documented, unacceptable work, it would not be warranted to pull the welders certification based on one failed RT.


Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 04-21-2006 12:23
Do you know for certain that the welder is at fault?

If you are qualifying a procedure, maybe some feature in your weld procedure has also contributed to the failure.
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-21-2006 12:25
In past experience most companies use their best or one of their better welders to qualify a PQR.
ASME IX QW322.1 (b) states
"When there is a specific reason to question his ability to make welds that meet the specification, the qualifications which support the welding he is doing shall be revoked."
It is my opinion ( and I stress purely my opinion) that a minor unacceptable defect does not mean that the welder has breached clause QW 322.1 and therefore his previous cert is not in question.
One gust of wind can give you an unacceptable gas pore, should this be grounds to make the original welder qual null and void.
I don't believe so,
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-21-2006 19:46
Just to clarify a bit:
By indicating fracture critical work I assume you are dealing with AWS D1.5.
Under that code, a welder would have to re-qualify every year, by RT of a production groove weld or a test plate. Initial qualification requires RT and a bend test and within 6 months of beginning the FC work. If you are counting on the PQR to provide either the initial qualification or the annual renewal, then the welder did not fulfill requalification requirements.
Technically speaking, the failed PQR plate does not have to count as 'strike one' for the welder. Usually that means welding 2 more test plates successfully or more training and then repeating the test. It is OK to ignore that unless the welder clearly needs more training anyway. You're going to have to run a new PQR test anyway (though maybe not by the same person if the welder did blow it).

For those who might not know, no one would have an inexperienced welder run a PQR plate anyway, they cost too much to gamble with (the PQR test that is).
Also the welder qualification test for unlimited thickness is 1" thick and 5.25" long, while the PQR plate is 1" thick and at least 2 feet long. The PQR test fails if any one of the 6 required tests (that generate 15 separate specimens) should not meet specs.

If the welder is within his time limit (1 year) for a previous FC qualification, there is no issue. If the welder was qualified for non-FC welding, that too is unaffected provided all other requirements are met(continuity, etc).

(Dont overlook that a non-FC welder qualification does not require RT , it is optional, but a FC qualification does require RT.)

Chet Guilford
Parent - - By ceatig58 (*) Date 04-27-2006 18:21
Iwas reading your statment on the PQR I am getting ready to do my PQR,S for getting my ASME CODE STAMP and was wondering on the plates I see you are saying 1'' thick by 2' long how wide do the plates have to be can the be 6'' or do they need to be 12'' wide.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-27-2006 20:31
Sorry, I can't answer that for ASME PQR's because I don't know. I'm sure others can tell you.

The PQR's I have worked with are for the D1.5 bridge welding code. For those, the test plates are described in Figure 5.1. That shows the minimum width as 18" minimum (9" each side of center).

Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 04-27-2006 20:46
(ASME 9) There is no specific requirement for dimensional size of the PQR plate. The plate only have to be adequate length and width to get the required specimens cut out of them. Also, If you need impact testing the plate might have to be longer than if you do not. The length of the reduced section tensile sample is 10 inch min, however the testing lab may like to see it a bit longer to grip it better.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / PQR and welder qual

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