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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / shear strength of stud welds
- - By cfryeson Date 09-26-2001 20:32
I have a product that is stud welded (3/8-16 stud with .47" dia base to 12 ga. stainless steel). Any ideas what the shear strength is or where I could find those specifications.

Parent - - By - Date 09-27-2001 18:39
If you have a good stud weld, the shear strength should be similar to that of the stud material itself.

I just think that your limiting factor is going to be the strength of the base material. As I am not so clued-up with guage measurements, I may be making a mistake, but I believe 12 ga is equal to 2.4mm. If this is the case, your failure mode is likely to be either a buckling of the base material, or the stud pulling out the entire section of base material it is welded to.

Hope this helps

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By cfryeson Date 09-27-2001 21:32
A meeting with a salesman from Pemsert (who recommended a Pem stud) resulted in the following statement:
"The stud welding process is very difficult to get correct because of the amount of variables (heat, surface prep, weld time). Lot of places are moving away from stud welding for this and other reasons."

Is there any truth to this? My feelings are that a good shop will be able to control the variables of the stud welding process.
Parent - - By - Date 09-30-2001 18:30
I do not know what a "Pem stud" is, so I can not make any comment on the suitability of this device.

You are correct, in that people that know what they are doing, and have the right equipment, will be able to make consistently good stud welds. Around our part of the world, we have a problem in that the so called experts in stud welding are the guys that typically weld the studs for insulation. As this is a rather undemanding application, their welds are not particularly good. They use the cheapest equipment and take a lot of short-cuts. When I worked with them the last time, they did not even know what all their welding variables were.

I have personally seen some excellent stud welds, so it definately is possible. If you are interested, there is a paper dealing with stud weld failures in high carbon steel studs on the PROKNOWNET site:

Then follow the papers link in the LHS frame and enter "welding" as a search term.

If you have the time or inclination, let me know what this "Pem stud" is all about.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By Carol X Date 11-02-2001 16:38
Pem stud is a brand name for threaded fastners. Instead of stud welding, you drill or punch a hole in your sheet and press a stud into place. Very common application in sheet metal. Very easy to install and much easier to control consistency in product. They have an extensive web site at

Hope this helps
Carol X
Parent - By - Date 11-02-2001 18:36
Thanks for the info and link.

I had a look at the site, and without spending a lot of time there I came to the conclusion that these pemstuds are basically cleverly designed screws. As such I believe that they will have their place, which may overlap with the stud weld market, but they certainly will not replace stud welds.

Thanks again for the info.

Parent - By chall (***) Date 11-05-2001 13:32
AWS D1.1 and D1.5 both have clearly defined requirements for strength of stud welds. It's not too complicated and should be easy enough to comply with. When we have problems it's usually because we are installing studs on old base metal of questionable quality. Typically we use Nelson studs. Whoever supplies your studs and stud gun should be able to work with you until you have a setup that works consistently (and complies with D1.1 or D1.5). Charles Hall
Parent - By chall (***) Date 11-05-2001 17:53
As one of the astute members pointed out, D1.1 and D1.5 are for carbon not stainless. Try D1.6 for stainless stud welding. Sorry. Charles Hall
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / shear strength of stud welds

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