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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Vantage 400
- - By Harley5150 (*) Date 09-29-2006 01:21 Edited 12-10-2006 19:17
Looking for a vantage 400 if any one knows someone that has one and has any pros and cons on that machine let me know as far as I hear its them machine to have..  now don't be confused if you see my other post for an SA-200 I'm looking for both, you can't beat the 200 on pipe and I've got big plans for the 400 amp vantage that definately don't involve pipe welding.. but I hear it works like a champ.. I guess I need to get my hands on one and try it..

thanks in advance

Parent - - By joseph asturino (*) Date 12-22-2006 12:37
nothing on the 400 , but i do own a vantage 500,,,,,,,best machine i've ever had,,,,,,,and where i work,,,,nothing but miller.......lots of problems.......

we also have a few SA 200's...........ask me...??????......"a proven great machine"........

my friend has a 400,,,,,,,,3years now,,,,,,,never said anything to me,,,,,,and if there were,,,,,he i was the one who talked him into it.......
Parent - - By turbo38t (*) Date 12-26-2006 16:27
SA200 are awesome. We have Vantage 500s and Commander 600s at work. Only had probs with the Commander.....IMHO that thing is junk.  Only used the Vantage a couple times and think it welds pretty nice, but nothing compared to an SA200. Dave
Parent - - By joseph asturino (*) Date 12-27-2006 12:00
ya Dave , but try to run a 3-8th gouging carbon with that 200 , and see where that gets you.......or any FCAW for that matter.....

like you said , great machine,,,,,but not enough........
Parent - By turbo38t (*) Date 12-30-2006 22:38
I know what you mean. That's the whole reason we have the Commander......air arc and LN25......Dave
Parent - - By CV Weld Date 01-01-2007 22:42
Hello group.
Having 28 years non stop in the Pipe and structural trade I feel I  can give an honest answer to this question. I have a Vantage 400 and have to say so far It is as described.  Welds smooth with lo hi.  Also have a sa-250 that I bought new in 1986 and have burned 2000# plus of lo hi and 5p+with it. I custom installed a Bendix 4 cylinder 26 cfm compressor ( runs off the Perkins )and a cv adaptor on it as well.  Have owned and used all machines required for all processes and would choose the sa 200 or 250 ( or for that matter any pure dc generator) for any pipe work over any other machine. As for the vantage one feature that i like is the 36 volts @ 400 amps that you get with it.  When running long lead it is particularly helpful knowing your going to drop  voltage with undersized or long lengths of lead. Suit case welding FCAW is superior with the SA machines as well as the Vantage. I run several 240 volt 3 phase benders and rollers in the field and that is why I chose the Vantage.  I had originally bought the Vantage 300 but begged my supplier to return it because the power of the Dueitz engine was not ample enough for the 7000 foot elevation that I work at. In all fairness I did have the Vantage 300 load tested with 2.2 hours on the hour meter and it was able to load test at 300 amps but pulled the motor down to the point of bogging.  I have to thank Lincoln for allowing me to return it at my expense and upgrade to the 400. The 400 has ample reserve power even at 7000 foot elevation.  Easy to strike a lo hi  arc and the arc control feature is a must. Vertical up is controllable and very sensitive to the arc control nob. My preference for 1\8'' is amps @ 110 arc force at +2.0 to +2.5  With the sa machines I get some arc blow at the finishing end of the rod while the Vantage is almost non existent. My shop mostly uses the Vantage for Structural steel with 232 wire.  Good machine, good on weight, wish it was a few inches less in height, but all in all a good machine.  I know you all don't know me but Like every other professional weldor in the trade its easy to stick with what works  ( sa-Machines )and this Vantage machine is not one to disappoint. If asked this question " If you were given only one welding machine and one plasma machine which ones would they be ?) I would have to say The Vantage air 500 and the Hypertherm 1650.  Its up to the weldor and his ability as to be able to use any welding machine to they ability. I've got mine. PS I'm not brand loyal but I am what works loyal.  Don
Parent - - By joseph asturino (*) Date 01-02-2007 08:40
hay don , are you in the ironworkers union.........?
Parent - - By CV Weld Date 01-03-2007 02:16
No I was a Boilermaker union 92 back in the 70's and 80's then to the machinest areospace workers union in souther cal. I put my time in and learned and am still learning alot. But now I own Carson Valley Welding in Carson City Nv.  Don
Parent - - By Harley5150 (*) Date 01-10-2007 03:15
are you hiring don.. lol.. I appreciate all of your input.. I know its a tough call between those two machines and the job your going to do will dicatate some what which machine is better.. I do like the aux power of the vantage 400 but nothing beats my 1965 redface.  The vantage 400 vantage is a modern day replacement with some really cool features..

I will have to stop out and visit when I'm in nevada..

thanks again

Parent - By CV Weld Date 03-04-2007 01:47
Harley,  Sorry for the late reply.  Where are you from.  How is that redface treating you?   Yes I'm hiring if qualified.  I"m looking for a lead man with structural and general layout experience with a background in job cost estimation.  I have found that with the vantage 400 and Its ample generator power  I can bring the shop with me to a job and leave the welding lead at home.  Most of my work theses days are working for General Contractors.  Many jobs that I do require 150+ X's2 feet or lead to reach a weld.  Its doable with 2\0 lead if welding with 7018, but when welding with 232 there is no way.  Just way to much voltage drop with that much lead out. Instead I'll run 150' of 10\4 3phase extention cord and use my inverter to run my ln-25.  I'll tell you it is way eaiser to string out and I get the weld quility that is required ever time.  Don
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Vantage 400

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