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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Sourdough (locked)
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 12-18-2006 02:14
Looking to build shop on new property. Needing info and prices for something around 2500 sq.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 12-22-2006 04:40
This is so sad, replying to my own thread. Yeah, Sourdough, I know a company that could do it for under 20k's. Just supply the steel, and your welder. WAIT, that would be less cost efficiant than a company that does it full time!
Parent - - By chuck meadows (***) Date 12-22-2006 15:28
Sourdough, ya been hitting the Christmas eggnog a little early?? LOL
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 12-22-2006 19:14
Egg nog nuthin'! I had to do a little galvanized yesterday, it did the trick!
Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 01-05-2007 15:24
sourdough , can you find a atco fold away they go up fast 40x100 we set up in 10 anch. i took it down moved to hope split into 2 - 40x50 one for welding shop , one for hangar i set then both up had 3 people help on first section of shop , they didn't want to help but i would not open liquor store till i set it they didn't come back for 3 days and i was already done . they move fast when the boom is over. otherwise do you remember down at tia i saved all of my weld cupons had about 2 pallets of them left them in my shop went on road came back my brother and nephews mucked out the shop filled it up with their cars and toys i have to set up another now to get out of the snow , george is in portland i told him to go over and help you but i don't think he wants to travel i would  but don't have time we are booked up for next 3 years with the contracts we have now . i retired 2 yrs. ago my wife keeps reminding me but having fun . just got 10 ft. snow at over in the pass we have about 4 ft here been plowing a lot . take care of your little guy they grow fast my boy is 12 almost as big as me and lots of help my nephews grew up to be men ,one is back on the slope other goes to findland monday ,they used to drill wells with me learned to weld i have to teach son when he is ready then i'm done sorrythis got so long but have been going to congrat. you  i have lurked on forum but not answered much will try to more now . willie     
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-06-2007 14:34
Hey Willie! I'll tell you, those things are a hot comodity. I'm needing a couple myself, but they get grabbed up in a hurry. I think I got that job almost covered in Wamsutter. It's not my gig, but have guys running on Sourdoughs tickets. All welds x rayed, have you ever seen that?

Well, take care, I gotta go make some money!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Sourdough (locked)

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