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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Exhaust Welding
- - By GTP4UNME Date 11-24-2001 21:58
Hi, I know almost nothing about welding, but just bought an exhaust system and had a few questions. The piping and the mufflers are aluminized, and the tips are stainless steel. I was wondering if you need a aluminum welder to weld the aluminized pieces or not?? And what about the weld the stainless steel tip to the aluminized muffler. Thanks for the help.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 11-26-2001 17:34
An aluminized pipe or muffler is typically made of steel and coated with aluminum to retard corrosion. It's similar to galvanizing but it stays shiny longer. You would weld them with a steel electrode, and the best bet would be to grind away the aluminum in the weld zone first. Otherwise you'll burn holes through the thin pipes while trying to "burn away" the aluminum.
As far as the stainless....If it's a 300 series being welded to carbon steel, I would use a 309L weld metal.
Just another comment, I understand wanting to weld exhaust systems together, especially if you drive over a lot of rough roads. But mufflers tend to corrode a lot and welds will make it harder to replace them.
Hope all works OK for you,
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Exhaust Welding

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