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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / How do I send a link?
- - By dschlotz (***) Date 02-04-2007 00:54
I want to send a link to a friend so that they can read a post on our forum. How do I do it?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-05-2007 11:45
You can simply copy the link that is in your browser and paste it in your email... for this thread/post it would look like this.....;hl=#pid55137

So then when you click on the link it will take you straight to the thread or post....
Parent - By dschlotz (***) Date 02-07-2007 03:05
If it was any simpler it would have bit me.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / How do I send a link?

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