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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Figured out the Weld cracking issue!!!
- - By Harvard (*) Date 02-01-2007 01:46
Well, I got called to the same pit today to weld a drill steel to the stub shaft when the steel broke, and when I was up on the highwall, I just happened to look down, and well, I seen the 345 with the bucket all the way up in the air. And, then came down hard hit a big rock and jerked the machine in air. So, I figure that is the cause of the problems. Thanks for all of the help. Oh, this is reference to my other post weld cracking issue.
Thanks Alot,
P.s. Bought a Nex Gen and love it!!!
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 02-04-2007 06:56
    I've done quite a bit of repair, modification and design for heavy equipment and their accessories, and for the most part you can tell right away which machines have been abused and which ones have been kept within their design limits. I have found that no matter how strong or well designed a tool is that someone will be able to push it past its limit and destroy it, especially if the tool user lacks sensibility or responsibility.
   depending on the age and hours of the machine the cat 345  is in the half a million dollar range, so my question is does the owner know that this is being done to his equipment? if he doesn't perhaps someone should be kind enough to tell him. and if he does thank our lucky stars that their are idiots like this out there to help keep us employed.  from what you described there will be a lot of repair work to be done on the machine, i am sure some owners of heavy equip would hand out a beating along with walking papers for such a behavior.
     the list of repair solutions in the last thread were right on the money so at least there was a great opportunity for learning provided by the guy using an excavator bucket as a hammer
Parent - By Harvard (*) Date 02-04-2007 18:09
Oh ya, the owner does know about it. And so does the foreman and the operator...I let the operator know. And, yes, if it gets destroyed, he will get his walking papers. Last year, an operator tore the floor out of a 375 bucket, and, the next day when he showed up, he got his walking papers. And, the sad part is, that 345 is only a year or 2 old. And yes, it was a great opportunity.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Figured out the Weld cracking issue!!!

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