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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / SA 250 Diesel --$3000 firm.
- - By Dr. D (*) Date 02-11-2007 10:48 Edited 03-13-2007 07:40
SA 250 with Perkins 3 cyl. Motor runs great & welds great. Doesn't smoke at all . No leaks $3000 outright. Was listed on e-bay, deadbeat bidder didn't pay after discovering shipping to --Venezuela!
Will also take Miller Dynasty in partial trade. It is code 9435 which on Lincolns website shows me a manual for a 1993 model.
Parent - By smithiewelding Date 02-15-2007 02:32
I am interested in your machine I would like to know what model it is see some pictures and where it is located. You can get in touch with me at  Please email me some pics of the machine and a little info about the machine thanks alot 
                                                                                 cody smithie
Parent - - By coalsmoke (*) Date 02-20-2007 09:26
Where are you located?
Parent - - By Dr. D (*) Date 02-21-2007 11:22
Sorry guys, I wasn't getting e-mail notifications. I am located in Northern California
Parent - By coalsmoke (*) Date 03-12-2007 08:11
Thanks Dr. D. It turned out that I found a beauty of a Redface here locally. Good luck with the sale of your machine
Parent - - By Dr. D (*) Date 02-24-2007 06:17
Decided to put it on E-bay.
Parent - By Dr. D (*) Date 03-13-2007 07:41
Winning bidder never paid. Still for sale. Can Help find shipping.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / SA 250 Diesel --$3000 firm.

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