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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 25-06
- - By raggs (*) Date 02-07-2007 02:13
Need advise on purchasing a 25-06, I've always wanted this caliber but not sure which model to buy, i am sure that i'd like a single shot. just needs some direction and opinions.

thanks in advance

Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 02-07-2007 03:56
Well you might look at a remington 700. They are a great gun. My dad uses a 30-06 700 and its the best.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-07-2007 04:41
Is the 700 an update of the Model 70? I believe the 70 was first or I'm all wet and they are totally different rifles. As you said though, the 700 is a great unit and I'll say the Model 70 is also a great one. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 02-07-2007 14:19
Hey raggs,
If you're looking for a single shot centerfire rifle in the 25-06 caliber, the top model that is worth considering is the Ruger #1. I have one in a 220 Swift that is unbelievably accurate and I can reach out and touch the groundhog population here in PA at 600 yards regularly. The bolt action rifles, the Mod.700 Remington, and the Winchester Mod.70, are fine rifles and very accurate and hold 5 cartridges. Your preference to type and style of rifle should dictate your choice. I find the single shot makes a person more inclined to really place their shot well as you generally only get the one chance for a good kill. I like my single shot for varmints, but I hunt deer with a Winchester Mod 70 Lightweight in 30-06. You can do some research on the manufacturers websites and look at all the models available.....Good Luck....Denny
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-07-2007 15:54
Hello yorkiepap, thank you for correcting me on my confusion regarding rifle models. I should have known better than to confuse Remington and Winchester models of rifles. On a side note, I used to own a Ruger model 77 32" bull-barreled varminter(I kick myself for ever letting it leave my possession), as I believe you also stated a very accurate and fine shooting piece of hardware and I also believe that the Rugers for the money are very nicely put together. Have a great day Denny. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 02-07-2007 20:35
Hey Allan,
You don't need correcting. There are so many models nowadays that use similar number designations, that it can get confusing. Just like cars & trucks. Chevy has the 1500, 2500, 3500 truck series....and so does Dodge....

Too bad you let that that Ruger 77 get away......their bull bbls. really print fantastic groups with good handloads. My Swift will put 5 rds.(custom handloads) in a 1/4" hole all day. Got a hog at 800yds in upstate New York a few years back.....took 9 rounds though. The 9th one went thru the chest with a puff of dust. I was so far away, the bark of the shot didn't phase him.

Great day to you also Allan....Denny
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 02-07-2007 20:56
I just a bought a Ruger m77 .270 from a friend. Very nice gun. I'v yet to drop a deer with it, so I'm not sure what the accuracy is like... Out here in california we dont have the long range like ur talkin about, yorkiepap. =)
Parent - - By raggs (*) Date 02-07-2007 21:02 Edited 02-07-2007 22:17
I have to agree the ruger is sweet and I too have a m77 in a .243. Is anyone familar with the Thompson Encore?

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-07-2007 22:28
Raggs, is that anything like the Thompson Contender? That's the one that I'm familiar with. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By raggs (*) Date 02-08-2007 02:45
I want to thank everyone for their help, the contender is one of their models, i did go to Thompson's web site (tcarms) and found that smith and wesson aquired TC arms. And founnd encore centerfire rifles, apparently the barrels are interchangeable with different calibers, just wondered if anyone had experience with this rifle. Again thanks for everyone's response.


Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 02-11-2007 02:55
I have a TC Encore that I put a 26" 30-06 barrel on.  Federal factory loads don't shoot well from it, Remington loads were OK, but it really shines with my handloads.  I'm getting sub-inch groups at 100 yards with starting loads.  Lots of opportunity for tweaking.

I also have a 50 cal muzzleloader barrel that shoots very nicely, now that I found what it likes to be fed.  My 20 gauge barrel shoots OK but the Encore isn't shaped that well for wing-shooting.  My next barrel will probably be a 260 Rem, simply because I like to try out unusual calibers.

I have never tried a 25-06, and you can get good and bad in anything, but I would not hesitate to try out the Encore.  If that barrel doesn't shoot well you can switch out barrels for less money that another complete gun would cost.
Parent - - By raggs (*) Date 02-11-2007 19:34

Is this typical of all handloads in any caliber, or only to specific models?


Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 02-12-2007 02:36
Generally, almost any caliber and any kind of gun can get better accuracy with handloads.  The exceptions usually are junk guns that won't shoot well with anything you feed them, or guns with action or barrel problems.

I don't mean that factory loads are not any good; many factory loads will shoot better than the trigger-puller can take advantage of.  And you might not even need better accuracy if all you need is a gun that will take a deer at 100 yards or less. 
It is just that you usually can tune a load to a gun for better results.  That fine tuning might take a lot more effort than most people want to get into.  Some folks strive for less than 6" groups at one thousand yards and spend a lot of time and money in trying to do that (me- I haven't got 1000 yards of space to try that, and I highly doubt my Encore is up to the task - but given the opportunity, I'd try it anyway).

One side point I do want to mention - many times a gun that won't shoot well simply needs a very thorough cleaning to restore accuracy.  A lot of folks don't do more than run a patch or 2 through the bore and fouling builds up gradually.  And remember that over zealous use of the cleaning rod can damage the barrel, particularly the muzzle.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 02-12-2007 23:19
The bench rest guys take this to the end.  Everything gets weighed.  Only one cartridge case that you reload on the line.  The case is marked so that you always keep the same side up.  Amazing groups can result.
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 02-10-2007 05:21
Had a Tompson Contender with the .30 Harret, a .22 bull barrel, and .357. Loved it, but the Reganomic years kind of forced me to let it go for 50% of the value :(
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-10-2007 06:10
Hello Mike, yes that is a pretty unique piece. I've had a number of friends who owned them and when they were set up right they were very impressive on both the range and on the ground squirrels and prairie dogs. I knew another fellow who built a number of wildcat calibers and he used the contender action as the platform for them. Good to see you back on the forum. Regards, Allan
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 02-10-2007 11:34 Edited 02-10-2007 11:36
I try to read up at least a couple times a week, but things are getting pretty hectic here getting close to hydro date, and we have been looking at and documenting up to 2,200 tube welds welds a week plus inspecting the welds on the buckstays, penthouse casing, ductwork etc. I have a little time to browse, but not comment. Been putting in 15.5 hours a day monday thru friday, and 16.5 on saturdays so it doesn't leave me a lot of time for typing LOL.

Thanks for the wb though :)

Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 02-16-2007 01:23
Always and still want to get my hands on a contender that is a real nice piece. just accuired a .44 mag desert eagle and love it . looking for some one that might have the longer barrels for it I understand they come in 6,8,10,14 inch lenghts.
Parent - By aaalaska Date 02-26-2007 06:49
I own several contender &encore frames and barrels including a 15 in 260 rem with it I have fired many sub 2 in groups I'm sure the gun is capable of better I'm planing on purchasing a rifle length 260 this summer for a goat hunt this fall.aaalaska
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-08-2007 05:37
Asking people to give opinions on firearms is sure to bring out some serious opinions. Your cartridge choice is a good one, in general terms any of the modern quality manufactures produce good rifles. (winchester, ruger, remington etc). for varmints I have two calibers 22-250 and 25-06. both are flat shooters. Every now and then I break out my 300 winchester mag but it's way on the overkill range.

I think though if you've never owned a 25-06 your best bet is as mentioned by York, a ruger #1. with the expanded reasoning of if you learn to shoot single shot, you have a tendency to be more particular on shot placement. This was how I was taught marksmanship. My grandpa told me if you can't hit and kill it with one shot, you don't need to be shootin at it to begin with.

My two cents worth
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 02-16-2007 01:13
shooting a 358 norma mag by shultz&larson fine piece of artillery hell of a recoil though. Nice thing about it is you can shoot through 9 feet of moose meat and still hite'em in the eye. reloading is the only way to achieve good groups in any round. stopped buying factory ammo years ago for that very reason, only thing I do buy from the store is rimfire ammo.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 25-06

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