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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / worm holes.......chcken tracks..........?????????
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Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-22-2007 17:37

Thank you for sharing the research.

The images and data are excellent.
Parent - By sra (*) Date 03-04-2007 19:05
Worm holes and chicken tracks -- Most mfg of E-71-t1 (FCAW-.045) have told us its a result of hydrogen, with suggestions anywhere from oven's, voltage settings, change arc distance, verify removal all cutting slag, verify paint has been removed on new pipe. All good essential varibles. Our best solution is changing from 75-25 to 100% CO2 gas. Most of our weldments are multi-pass flat to near flat-- E-70 T1 ULTRA unless the need fast freeze required for small pipe rollouts we return to the E-71.
Have yet to find a E-71 mfg that doesn't have this issue with this wire.
If you know one I'm interested.
Parent - - By JA (**) Date 02-06-2007 08:12
thanks Henry..........
Parent - By rebekah (**) Date 02-22-2007 20:16
So this thread is why I hang out here on this forum--AMAZING!

I have to go over and reread some of the information but these posts are addressing questions I have had the Pulse/Spray/MIG monstrosity that I am trying to figure out.  I have been on weldreality but havnt gotten through it yet.  I am planning on studying this thread, then reading Craig's site, then posting my much more educated questions/problems with the machine.  Thanks to all of you for all the time put into answering these questions so thoroughly.

Also, Stephen, I forwarded the posts about the Higg's Boson one page explanations to a math/physics teacher I know.  I enjoyed reading them.  Welding is my job and math is a hobby so I appreciate being able to read about both at the same time!


Parent - By monsoon12 (**) Date 03-06-2007 23:31
Its from to much argon mix in the gas.Sorry but i really couldnt read all the other posts i will in time though.So im basically refering to the first post on this subject.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / worm holes.......chcken tracks..........?????????
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