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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / extend a truck racks
- - By monsoon12 (**) Date 02-25-2007 19:51
Am going to make a extend arm for my 12' jon boat.Truck bed with tailgate down is 8'6".Am wondering if anyone has one that they use an how is it?Also wondering what the limit is on stick off on a reg truck?The boat would be sticking off 3'6".Thanks in advance for your help an opinions.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-25-2007 21:12
Well, I've always believed that 4' is the limit without oversize banners. Are you going to make something from your receiver hitch, or what? I built a lead reel/tool box that fit into my receiver. It was great, until I forgot that it was in one day while participating in a broady contest at the local filling station. I smacked it into the safety rail in front of the store. DAMMIT!!! It WAS a good idea, unfortunately spinning 360's with my 1 ton was not?! I beat a hemi Dodge from light to light that morning. What can I say, I live in a small town. The local cop asked me if I could please at least slow down for the stop sign next time!

I believe I will!!
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 02-26-2007 16:30
Hay SD, your responses continue to amaze me.  But then again I too live in small town America, where you can still have some fun.  It's really bad when the Fire Cheif comes over to tell you some passing "out of towner" called in a barn fire when we were just burning some old building material.  But he knew who it was and canceled the fire call.  Our fire pit is only 20x30, come that too big???

Anyway, you are right 4' from the back of the unit is the max before banners, flags, and lights are required.  That 4' in this case would be from the back of the tailgate while it's down because it's permanently attached to the truck.  I make 6 or 8 of these hitch extenders a year for a few local construction companies for hauling various lumber, siding, and such.  If you make the receiver and/or the upright post with a hole pattern, you can make both of them extendable to give you maximum versatility.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-26-2007 19:30
You can do a lot of cool things with your receiver hitch. My wife got tired of driving the old chevy to the welding supply house for bottles. I took an old ski rack off a breckinridge transit bus, (that was a great job, by the way;  40 new racks at $600.00 apiece), and installed it in my wifes Tahoe hitch. It works great for oxyacetylene runs.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / extend a truck racks

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