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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding 5 Cr-1/2Mo
- - By Hojo (*) Date 01-07-2002 13:29
Does anyone have any experience welding 5Cr-1/2Mo with the SMAW and/or GTAW process?
Parent - - By - Date 01-07-2002 18:24
Yes, what do you want to know?

Parent - - By Hojo (*) Date 01-07-2002 18:41
We have a limited amount of information on the welding of this material and would like to know the correct filler metals for SMAW and GTAW processes and if there are any special requirements for preheat and interpass temperatures.
Also is there any place on the Web that has infomation available on Chrome / Moly materials and welding of them.

Parent - By roybuck (*) Date 01-09-2002 12:41
Call the guys at Euroweld in Charlotte, NC. Great bunch of guys with a bundle of information on P5 material. They have all your wire and electrodes also.
Parent - By roybuck (*) Date 01-09-2002 12:45
Sorry, it's early. Should have posted the telephone number. Roger Swain or Bill Newell, 704-662-3993.
Parent - By - Date 01-12-2002 16:25
You already got some good replies, but I will e-mail you a PQR so that you can see all the variables.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By Dave (**) Date 01-07-2002 18:55
There have been several posts on this subject. A search on the terms chrome and/or moly will bring them up. Perhaps you'll find the information you need in one of them.
Parent - By George-kh (**) Date 01-09-2002 21:28
Cr-Mo steels are susceptible to hydrogen cracking. Remove all hydrogen sources such as moisture, oil, and grease from welding area.
Preheat minimum 180C for base metal up to 13mm thickness; and 210C for 13 to 25mm base metal thickness. Planed interruptions of the welding procedure in which the weld is allowed to cool to room temperature should be avoided.
Use E8018-B6 or ER80S-B6 for filler metal.
Heat the welded joint 710C to 760C immediately after welding and held it one hour for each 25mm thickness at this temperature.

Best Regards
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding 5 Cr-1/2Mo

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