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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / bolt holes
- - By makeithot (***) Date 03-11-2007 02:24
I am currently working on a job where the bolts used for the steel erection are to far out to allow the sideing to be installed. The cross members ,beams etc are all welded solid to the gusset plates. The solution for installing the siding is to remove the bolts as they themselfs are redundant. The engineer has asked for all the bolt holes to be plug welded,not being one to turn work away I happily agreed. My question is why would he consider this necessary? Would not welding the bolt holes cause more stress then just leaving them open? On a happy note for me I'll be a plug welding fool by the time it's done .
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-11-2007 04:31
This is purely a guess, but the engineer might feel that the existing welds alone won't be sufficient. Plug welds may or may not be as strong as the bolts, it depends what bolts were used and what You plug weld with. OR it might be a CYA, open holes look like something is wrong, plug welds don't.  In the end  it is the engineer who signs off on the job, so it is His call.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 03-12-2007 00:23
I agree with you in that open holes attract attention and make people ask: "What is not there that should be?".  Generally speaking, leaving the holes as is probably would cause no harm, especially where it was mentioned that siding is attached with them, but it is the engineer's call.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 03-13-2007 01:34
Dave the bolt hole goes through a 4X4X1/4 HSS which is split down the centre to slide over 3/4 inch plate 14inches which is then welded solid both sides of the plate. There is only one bolt hole which was used for erection purpouses ?????
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 03-12-2007 01:50
If you reinstall the bolts with the nut away from the siding side does the problem go away?
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 03-13-2007 01:27
No it doesn't because the collums and cross members end up being on the same plane , flush to the outside.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / bolt holes

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