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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Pipe Beveler
- - By cmays (***) Date 03-24-2007 14:50 Edited 03-24-2007 14:52
Looking for another beveling machine. (3" to 8") Ram Welding has one for a little over 900 new.Thought I might try posting here before I looked at buying a new one. Plus most of the ones I have found on ebay are junk. Does not have to have the torch I have several but either way I would be interested.
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-26-2007 01:18
The beveler we have at school is a chain opperated one and I can't rememeber the name of it but it can go from like I think 4 inch to 36 or even bigger deppending on how many links you add to it. Have you ever tried the chain operated kind?
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 03-26-2007 04:25
I have seen the chain operated kind before but was hessitant about how accurate of a cut they will produce. All of the ones I use are the half saddle type. I would be interested in the chain type though being that I am going to have to cut a wide range of different diamiters for this job. Cant seem to find either that are not junk other that brand new. Let me know if you come across something.Im about a week or two out before this project fires up so I have some time to look for another machine.

Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-27-2007 05:10 Edited 03-27-2007 05:56
ok dude this was a pain in the a** to find this website here it is for the chain pipe beveler it is a company called Koike here is the link here is a guy on ebay that is selling it as well There pricey but are of good quality

Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 03-28-2007 01:52
Hey I appreciate it man. Ive accually bought an LN25 from that same guy on ebay so I trust that source. The only one I found was from a company in India and theres no way in hell I trust that Id get what I bought.

Thanks alot,
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-28-2007 03:38
no problem dude yeah he seems like a pretty good guy to buy from. He's been selling on there for a while. I have priced that exact beveler for like over 1400 so yeah he's a little cheaper. That beveler like he says is extremely smooth although the one we have at school has been abused I bet it has been droped a few times but brand new I bet it is even smoother. I think that one you can get with a electric motor but h*ll once you get it figured out you're speed with the hand crank and all I have cut some awsome bevels never needed to grind to clean up just put my landing fitt it and weld it that easy.
I'm currious though I have seen alot of rig welders online who will have two bevelers that operate on a gear driven system and there hand cranked one maybe a 4 inch and the other a 8 inch. I don't understand why they don't have this chain operated one that can do just about all sizes of pipe unless they don't know about it?? I haven't ever tried the gear ones so maybe they are better I don't know.

Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 03-28-2007 03:48
Well I carry two mathey dearmans one for 2 to 4 inch and the other for 6 to 8 on the truck but Id like to have one with large range of capacities for the shop. Also once you get into the 12 inch and up youre looking at 2 grand min to get a beveler for those larger diameters. The mathey dearman style also have attachements to cut and bevel saddles and angled cuts. That chain machine is going to cover all that I am gonna need though from the looks of it. Besides Ive always hand beveled all of my saddles  and angle cuts anyway why change now....

Thanks again Chris,
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-28-2007 04:54
ok thanks. are the Mathey Dearman farely easy and fast to setup to cut?
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 03-29-2007 01:31
Oh yah. Just slap em on, latch, light and cut. Excellent machines.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Pipe Beveler

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