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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / welding licensing exam
- - By monsoon12 (**) Date 04-06-2007 23:24
Ok was wondering whats the pros an cons of taking a Welding License Exam?Was in Borders an ran across a book on it an was wondering where you would take such an exam also?Though mainly whats the pros an cons of having it.Thanks in advance for any opinoins,
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 04-07-2007 06:13
I think it depends on your location.  We have nothing like this in the USA to my knowledge, although I know it is of benefit overseas; Europe, possibly Canada and elsewhere.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-07-2007 13:55
I respectfully disagree with you Jon.

For starters, there is the City of New York Welding License exam, I'm not sure about the City of Los Angeles being a "Welding License" exam or a certification exam...

Here's some more info on the City of New York's Welding License:

I do'nt know that much with respect to the NY State Welding License but, I believe Joe Kane has alot of experience with it... In fact, he's been most helpful in sending me info on the NY State exam and am greatful to him for that! Joe! I'm sending you another e-mail!!!

Now I do'nt know about other city's having a requirement of having a "Welding License" in order to work as a private contractor or subcontractor within their city's limits but, there might be other's that might chime in ?

Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 04-07-2007 17:39
The states of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Maine have welder licenses. The first two states have written exams with no proficiency tests ("hand's on") required. Maine has at least two license you can test for: One is a structural welding license which requires testing per AWS and requires welding horizon, vertical & overhead plates with destructive testing to determine pass or fail. The other license is a pipe test in the 6-G position on a carbon steel coupon using F4 electrodes and again  destructive testing of the welded samples per ASME welding code. The latter supersedes the former.
To work in CT or R.I. you would need to have these journeymen licenses although I am sure at times less scrupulous contractors have bypassed this requirement. Massachusetts has journeymen licenses as well, but not for welding to my knowledge, but a pipe fitter license (for MA) will get you a job anywhere in Mass.
You should look into the state (or states) you work in to see if a license is required for your trade. In the states I have listed, these licenses are worth having except for Maine where there is not much resources for the state to enforce and fine non licensed people as it is not really required or a concern.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 04-07-2007 20:26
Thanks guy's!  It's always nice to learn something new! ;-)
Parent - - By jerrykroll (**) Date 04-09-2007 00:28
Parent - By joseph asturino (*) Date 04-09-2007 03:39
pretty much the same thing in L. A...........
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-09-2007 19:44
Hello Medicinehawk;

You are correct, Connecticut has a welders license, but it is only for pipe welders and it requires both a written test (administered by the State of CT) and a hands-on demonstration of skill administered by one of their "approved" testing agencies. The welder has to pass the demonstration of skill before sending in the application for the written examination.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 04-10-2007 09:48
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-10-2007 20:36
Another one slips through the cracks in the corrupt Republican controlled governor's office! Curses, foiled again.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Bill1971 Date 04-13-2007 19:57
Isn't it odd that CT has a liscence requirement yet seems commited to eliminating all welder training in the state?  Sorry, I know this isn't helpfull to the thread.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-13-2007 22:01 Edited 04-13-2007 22:06
Hello Bill;

Helpful or not, its the sad truth.

Technical training opportunities in Connecticut and many other states has taken a back seat to courses that only require a text book and an instructor. Technical courses such as welding, machining, automotive, etc. are very expensive in comparison to other training.

Many states have forgotten the purpose of vocational training. They have forgotten their purpose is to train people to have basic skills needed by industry. Forsight isn't a requirement to becoming an Education Commissioner and the even though the Superintendent hired by the Board of Education has a doctorate degree, his/her studies didn't include any course work on the needs of U.S. industry. These are the same people that said it was a waste of time training computer programmers because the computers would "learn" to program themselves, all manufacturing was going overseas, its a waste of money to invest in the facilities and training in areas such as machining, welding, etc.

It is because of their "short sight" that the shipyard in Mississippi (if I remember correctly) is bring in 200 welders from India because they could not find the number of welders needed locally (and they didn't want to pay the wages necessary to draw workers from other areas of the country). It is CHEAPER to give them a temporary work visa. Remember what Bush said, "They are only doing the work Americans don't want to do."

Good God, "IS IT 2008 YET?"

I guess it isn't just Connecticut. Its the education system as a whole. Even out local high schools have shut down the industrial arts departments in favor of less expensive courses like "study hall".

Best regards - Al
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / welding licensing exam

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