Thats a pretty big task even with the fancy new rollers.
0.035 is thin and 4043 is soft... a bad combo for pushing.
If you must do it this way, consider a very short whip.. 6 feet or less.
What power supply do you have your 75 series feeder attached to?
A few push pull guns might pay for themselves when you look at the time spent on, burnback, birdnesting and changing liners all the time........
Also GMAW-P with a larger diameter wire may be an option depending on the quality of your power supply. You can do thinner fillets with GMAW-P and 3/64 wire than you could do with Traditional spray and 0.035.
My experience working with manufacturers using the new 75 series has been generally good. But these are using 0.035 solid wire at VERY high wire feed speeds. They report a marked improvement in performance and fewer birdnests...... 75 series feeders are too new to speak to durability.