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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Field work
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-19-2007 10:14 Edited 04-20-2007 00:04
You fellas make me kinda miss working in the field (job shop-portable fab/repair).

I got it made these days working for (aircraft manufacturer) on airplanes.  I have a degree in electirical engineering but I found early on I prefer to work with my hands  not a pencil.  Work in my own little shop mostly on small hold it in your hand sheet metal parts.  Its challenging for sure.....but I miss that its broke can you do it kind of scenario I got with field work.  Like all "true" welders I take so much pride in my skillset....but i feel cheated sometimes just tig welding very thin structures.....i miss burning a 308 on some pipe or hard surfacing some shear blades on a crab claw.   Not to mention coming up with Fabrications on the spot that solve issues....thats why I became a welder...using my Brain and my hands.     But what the hell a Shop with A/C and my own work area aint a bad way to end up i figure.    

The real point of this thread I reakon is to hear what each of you have to say about what you've done and where you have been.
Parent - By wrangler97 (*) Date 04-19-2007 23:58
i would have to say as young as i am i am proud to have been a part of the lake blalock dam project, we cut out and reinstalled a new sluice gate 60ft below riverbed

so basically i got to fit and weld a 10ft diameter pipe from the inside... lifejackets and harnessed and hooked to crane at all times was awesome!
Parent - - By medicinehawk (**) Date 04-20-2007 09:46
Been there, done that.....aerospace welding IS where it's at as I did a tour of that for nearly 2 years, but the job wasn't meant to be so I moved on to field construction on pipe a bit more demanding,but after so many years (20++) anything can be welded no matter where it is.......................sometimes miss my spin table and the music cranked up on the stereo.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 04-20-2007 12:28
I'm 28 years old was a Union pipe fitter for awhile, worked aerospace welding for a bit, welded in other countries, and now graduated college and turned welding engineer.  I've only been doing this for a few months now and I miss pipefitting real bad.  I miss being 200ft off the ground in a scaffold blowing in the wind helping ya put that nice weave in   I liked being outside working in all types of environments like steel mills, refineries, chemical plants, replacing flood control valves 40 ft underground with beavers swimming around underneath you, and just getting to see how stuff works.  I also miss the respect I had amongst my brothers and miss having people come to me to qualify a procedures for a big job or coming to you because they knew you had what it took to get the job done right the 1st time.  I don't know how long I would last doing that kind of work because I have put my body through the ringer racing dirtbikes so I decided to give this a shot thinking I might make it to retirement.  I'm going to keep paying my dues and keep my card because when this gets to stressful or I don't enjoy it anymore it's back to the field I go out in the sun soaking up the rays and sometimes nice scenery.
Parent - By gshuma (**) Date 04-20-2007 17:01
I'm 60 years old and worked my way up the food chain. I now sit at a desk that is sort of a fun design job but I still have an old Miller Roughneck and several times a year go down to the docks to weld docks and sail boat stands. I leave a good paying air conditioned place to go work in the hot sun for 1/2 pay and I love it.
I have to agree with Kix, it gets in your blood.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 04-21-2007 05:06
I don't know about the rest but as for the respect issue if you design stuff that is logical and actually fits together you will quickly gain the respect of your brothers and sisters who build the stuff.
Parent - By gshuma (**) Date 04-27-2007 11:57
I have had some success because I design things that I know can be built.
BUT... I have also had some spectacular failures and the guys in the shop have no mercy. A good part of the fun part is working with the shop guys. That's what I really miss.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 04-21-2007 12:03
I too miss the work. Every time I put a hood on to show somebody sometehing, Its like a great calming comes over me. Its just me and the weld. I miss it all. From working in the navy, welding pipe, and especially boiler work. Seing an endless row of waterwall tubes fit and tacked ready to be made into one just can't be beat.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-21-2007 13:43
Just modified a pumpjack skid to accomidate a new engine. 6" x 1/2 coped I beam. Easy money....

You guys can live vicariously through me if you want. Tee Hee.........
Parent - - By joseph asturino (*) Date 04-23-2007 07:39
Structural Steel,,,,,,,,SMAW,FCAW.........all day guys can have the rest.........
Parent - - By pipes (**) Date 04-26-2007 23:23
You can keep your structual!LOL! GIVE ME PIPE!!!!!!

Been welding pipe since the day I stepped out of high school! I have welded everything from 1/4" dia. carbon steel to 30" dia. stainless, on almost any jobsite you can imagine. I know someday I will be too old for this, but hopefully that is the day the good Lord takes me! I am in Wisconsin. Give me 100 deg in the summer, -30 in the winter, 50 mph winds in the spring and vacation in the fall (I duck hunt too!). LOL! Man I love welding!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-27-2007 15:48
You can have 100 degrees!
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 04-30-2007 14:47
Man 100+deg thats drag up weather. lol  I'll take the -30 in a shanty with a propane heater, a leaf burner and an unlimited supply of toasty toes. ;)
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Field work

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