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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need some quotes about the forum
- - By ross (***) Date 05-02-2007 21:46

I'm writing a Welding Journal article about the AWS website, and I need some quotes from forum users - like what do you get out of the forum and what should a new user know, etc.  Maybe a real-life story where you got some help.  I'll assume I have your permission to quote you, probably using your real name and/or forum handle.  I hope mostly it's positive and will encourage new users from around the world.

You can post here or private-message me. Don't be shy!

Thanks in advance,

AWS Marketing
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 05-02-2007 22:12
Hello Ross, all I can say is that there are so many answers to so many questions from so many readily volunteering individuals on the Forum that you will get an answer to anything that you have a need to know or figure out. I have observed and been enlightened on any number of subjects, the cob-webbs have been shaken out and a fresh perspective has been applied to many of the things that I felt I had a handle on. Participants range the world over and I have never seen a bias applied due to a persons locality, nationallity, or otherwise. Kudos to the AWS Forum. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 05-02-2007 22:42
As a forum user for a few years now, this is a daily stop on my internet browsing routine.  The wealth of information relating to welding and inspection in the form of answers to posts by individuals from all walks of life is immeasurable.  I have gained a ton of knowledge just being a frequent "browser" and reading comments and suggestions posted by the great amount of true industry professionals on here.  Questions come from all walks of life, including high school students, hobbiest, entry level tradesmen all the way up to seasoned veterans of this industry.  Anytime I have a welding or inspection related question that I cannot figure out on my own or through my employer, I turn straight to this forum.  This forum is hands down the best welding related forum I have come across.

Travis McQueen
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 05-03-2007 01:38
Hello Ross,
I have been posting for a few years now and the help I have obtained from the forum is unbelievable.
I have made many friends with people that I will probably never meet in person as I am on the other side of the world but as soon as I post a question I have got responses the same day either on the forum or to my personal e-mail.
I first visited the forum in 2003 when I was working in the Australian desert hundreds of miles from any civilization, we were building a huge dragline to AWS D1.1 and I had never used the code.I was working as the clients rep and the American contractor was trying to tie me in knots.Sitting in a little office in the middle of nowhere I was able to use the internet to contact fellow CWIs, Welding Engineers, Welders, Ex-welders etc and the assistance given was invaluable.
I have always been blessed with having at least one very experienced mentor to turn to for advice but when they happen to be unavailable it is reassuring to know there is always someone on the forum that is willing to help.
Over the years I have worked all over the South Pacific (currently in New Caledonia) with the majority of work being piping so I am always asking questions regarding ASME IX, B31.3, B31.1, API 1104 etc.
I also hope that some of my responses have assisted others as they have assisted me.
There are too many people to thank but two especially that I would like to acknowledge.
Chuck Meadows for his incredible knowledge and passion for stainless steels and his willingness to help (and educate) me and anyone else who requires assistance.
Jon Lambert for his advice, support and friendship over the years and also his personal crusade to improve US/New Zealand relations.
Kindest regards and many thanks to all the members,
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-03-2007 02:11
Shane, my friend, you are far too kind... I too have picked up many bits of wisdom from you, the vastness of your experience is absolutely awesome!  Chuck Meadows, of course, is a legend in my mind (almost like a rock star!) and I think your words "his passion for stainless steels" would be an excellent quote regarding one of our more notable experts.  I am really and truly humbled by the fellow Forum Members who provide the daily expertise which enriches all of our technical lives.
Parent - - By Mwccwi (***) Date 05-03-2007 02:06
I believe that the in really stands for world wide welding.awesome site. Of all the forums I visit this place is my favorite, a person never stops learning and with all of the honest opinions shared here it is a wonderfully awsome place to learn and share. I used to feel alone in my pasion but here with all of the love for welding, Ifeel as if
I am among brothers and sisters. Regardless of if I post or not I visit at every opportunity.

Martin W. Cramer
Welding Technician
AWS Certified Welding Inspector
AWS Certified Welding Educator
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 05-03-2007 02:11
Thanks, guys! Really great comments.

Parent - By welder5354 (**) Date 05-03-2007 03:01
I'm from the ROCK, NFLD, Canada, but when i visit the AWS website, it's like attaching onto a whole new world.  I find this site so easy to log onto and find information within hours.  It seems like there is somebody out there just waiting to answer your questions.  I have often got response from questions and replied to questions.  So many readers are there all the time and everyday, i notice there is somebody new added to the forum.  Keep it up my brothers ,we are in a world of our own.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-03-2007 09:30 Edited 05-03-2007 09:43
Ross; I think its become very clear that the Forum, although a function of the American Welding Society, is truly a world wide welding web unto itself, open and welcoming of all; transcending the race, creed, culture, nationality, age, religion and gender barriers which are present in many other aspects of humanity... None of that matters here, the only thing that matters in the Forum is our passion for sharing the knowledge of our remarkable trade.  It is truly a place of common ground with all of us being the Ambassador's of our chosen field.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need some quotes about the forum

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