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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone under 35?
- - By Local14 (*) Date 05-04-2007 18:58
I'm just wondering if anyone here is under 35. Most of the work force is approaching retirment age and I'm not even employable yet :( any youngins out there?
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-04-2007 19:23
Not 35 here, the other way around, 53!!! lol!
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 05-04-2007 19:57 Edited 05-05-2007 07:01

It was an extremely hard day today, but you have made me laughing!

Thank you for that!!

Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-04-2007 19:55
27 here.  Been in inspection for 7 years.  God, I'm nowhere near retirement.  Only 38 more years to go!!!!
Parent - - By QCCWI (***) Date 05-04-2007 19:58 Edited 05-04-2007 20:02
Local14, I graduated high school the year you were born. I am not under 35 but I can still see 35 for at least 2 more months.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 05-04-2007 20:16
Just the fact you became a member of this forum shows you are ahead of most young people!!  If you listen to these guys, pay attention, and not afraid to ask questions (even stupid ones), you will enter the workforce with better understanding of everything welding related.  I have been in the auto industry for 10 years, and run my own welding operation for 7 years, and surly learn from this site everyday.  I'm 32, but feel (and sometime act according to my wife) like I'm 23.
Good luck!
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-04-2007 20:25
Extremely well said and excellent point MDG!!!!
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 05-06-2007 00:33
I concur. No such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. I personaly find this site to be an invaluable source of info.
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 05-04-2007 20:53
24 here and glad to see you on the forum. I cant tell you how much Ive learned from this. Its a vast pool of knowledge, have fun my friend.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 05-04-2007 21:11
I'm 42 but feel 25 every time I strike an arc!
Parent - - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 05-04-2007 21:34
I'm 25, started welding in school at 14, working fulltime at 18 and never looked back albeit I had the benefit of growing up in the oil patch with most of my relatives working the drilling and completion side but I always wanted to be a welder. Push hard, work harder and never stop learning.
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 05-04-2007 22:01
I'm 15. Hmmm let me go check. Yep, I'm under 35!
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 05-04-2007 23:11
27 here
Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 05-04-2007 23:15
25 with my own welding biz here, wish I started it when I was 17.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-05-2007 00:20
Going on 41, got started at 18. The recent Nukes I've worked the QC department looked like a commercial for geritol or a Florida retirement home with the occassional salted youngen in the crowd (me). The NDE is catching up fast, and the welders have a bit more age spread.
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 05-05-2007 00:35
Geeezzz Guys,
Man, I feel older than dirt reading your ages....I was 35 in 1978.... All in all, I wouldn't trade one of my past days, weeks, or years to be young again....I can truly say: "Been there...Done that"..... The education and wisdom I possess came from those before me who had the kindness and honor to TEACH.... It was I who was honored to work with and beside those fine men. Those were the welders who made me proud to wear the helmet and carry the moniker of a blue-collar tradesman, and skilled professional---A WELDER!!! I found so many superb personalities and genuinely honorable people who share their knowledge, understanding, and guidance since joining this forum. I hope I can help anyone, anytime, to become better at the vocation they choose....especially if it has to do with welding and manufacturing. I want to give as was given to me.....Denny
Parent - By Molten Metal (**) Date 05-05-2007 01:08
Wow Denny. That was right on the money.I know you've helped me out before;and I thank you.....Oh,and I'm 46,soon to be 47....Gary.
Parent - By bellaru (*) Date 05-05-2007 03:11
48 six days ago...........
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 05-05-2007 03:24
To Local14 & norcalwelder,
Since you are a very young woman and young man, I can only provide some words of wisdom as guidance and perhaps a thought to retain in your minds' residual harddrive. Your desire for a career is only dependent on what you feel is the most satisfying and rewarding to you personally. Many like to work with their hands, to create, to manipulate, to re-configure, and to connect, and the feel of the tangible is so at home within your nature. You will find it or not. It takes a bit of time, and the wanting and the thought of what each tomorrow brings, will indeed be evident if you seek the skill and talent to become a welder. Those, like myself, know what it is to "feel" the metal we join and become one with the process. Don't allow those who demean or cast doubts on your ability, to induce doubt or the thought "it's too hard". Nothing is hard if you maintain a positive mindset and the acceptance that every mistake you will learn from, and will make you more determined to get better. Find the "Sensei" in the work environment and become his "grasshopper". I was the grasshopper many years before becoming the sensei, and the rewards are many. The only person who holds you back is YOU....Just go for it!......Denny

Gary: You're very welcome....hope I can help again sometime....
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 05-05-2007 08:10
Hey Local14!

I am a "bit" older than you (43) but when I am allowed to say...

The AWS Forum and the really wonderful people here have given me so much since I have participated firstly, that it's hard for me to find words to express.

I have found colleagues here having more experience than can be found in any sagacious book in the world.

Any time I have the chance to have a deeper look into the posts I am devotional learning from all these great people, no matter if older or younger than me.

I am and I will ever be honestly grateful for having been "weldcome" (Henry!) as a foreign AWS-Member and been invited to humble participate in the forum!

I have learned some - yes - invaluable lessons here...

And I am sure you will see quickly this forum is incomparable with anything else in the world and a true treasure chest for everyone who is passioned in welding - and the personal age is... unimportant!

Best regards from Germany,

Parent - - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 05-05-2007 13:37
45 Here...   A Day at a Time....  I too regret none of the past up to this very moment in time. It was Preordained by the Creator and Redeemer of all men, that I might be what I need to be..... I consider myself to be living on borrowed time, so accountability rings loud and clear on any plane or sphere being considered...
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 05-06-2007 00:28
05/05/62. turned 45 today looking forward to the next round.
Parent - - By Local14 (*) Date 05-06-2007 01:48
Oi!!! I leave this topic for ONE day and you guys flood me wtih maturity and advice...Oh well, you gotta love men in AWS. I'm a Union girl myself, but you know "Like father, like daughter."  So, I'm really glad everyone is so friendly and helpful, makes things alot easier when I don't feel like a stupid little girl. :P And Norcal-something or other, ok, so you beat me in the age department. And I was so hoping to be the youngest one here. Darn you! I really want to see employment go up in welding jobs and such and I'd especially love to see the amount of qualified employees go up but sadly it seems that most kids today are concern about big business, big money. They don't want to get their hands dirty making it. Anyone else feel the same?
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-06-2007 03:11
My outspoken uncle who had strong opinions on everything liked to say "The futre of the nation depends on what a man makes with His hands" Dont take this as gender exclusive, the piont is somebody has to do the WORK. Bean counters and corporate managers don't add any value to a product.
Parent - By welder5354 (**) Date 05-06-2007 04:33 Edited 05-06-2007 04:36
Wow, i hit 57 a few months ago, so most for  you who are in the 35-45 age, i think are at the high point in your life as a welder.  Looking back over the years now, i realize that between 20 to 35 we strive to become the best that we can as a welder.  At 35, we start to rise on that final peak as a professional welder.  At 40 yrs of age, that is the high point in our career.  By the time we get to 45 yrs., we start to age a bit, we can't see as good as we used to; our vision is just starting to become a little blurr. 
As an instructor and welding coordinator, i see a lot of journeyperson welders on a daily basis and that is where i draw my conclusion from-people like u and I.  Imagine how many years of experience in welding is on this website and how much we all can learn from each other.   We are here from all over the world (Canada myself), yet we share our experience in a box to each other the thing that we all love so much.  Very soon, i will be retiring from welding, but as long as this site is here i will try and give my views and opinions. 
P.S. Learn as much as you can, whenever you get the opportunity.
Parent - By Robert C (*) Date 05-06-2007 05:48
25 here, I think I am the only one in my county that can even strike an arc under the age of 40.
Parent - By cammarp Date 05-06-2007 14:31
27 here.
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 05-06-2007 16:02
29 going on 30 here, still feel young with too much too learn and experience
Parent - - By BevelBreakdown Date 05-06-2007 16:04
I'm about to step into the workforce myself.
Parent - - By Cole Welding (**) Date 05-06-2007 19:29
i am 34
Parent - - By mig welder (*) Date 05-06-2007 19:54
Im 27 i've been in the trade for 12 years now
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 05-07-2007 21:40
22 here.  A long way from retirement, to say the least!
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-08-2007 10:58
Nope, I'm 42 at the end of this month. Been here with this company for 22 years. I started here not too long after highschool, I was working here fulltime and going to college at night, plus holding down a part-time job selling autoparts. As far as approaching retirement age...well, even after I do reach that golden age, I expect that I will have to keep on going til I drop. All I've ever known is work, so I really can't see me doing anything else.

If you get this welding bug, I have to warn you, it gets in your blood and is there for life.
Parent - - By Local14 (*) Date 05-08-2007 21:08
The welding bug is pretty strong but you gotta love it. When someone asks "so what are you taking in school?" or "what are to going to do after school?" I love the look on their face when I tell them I'm going to be a welder. It's almost like they're saying "You're a girl!!!! YOU'RE going to weld?!" but a lot of guys will say "That's cool. Nice to see a girl who can get her hands dirty." And except for catching on fire, weldings tons of fun. But even that's pretty cool too. :P
Parent - By Molten Metal (**) Date 05-08-2007 21:43
During WWII,there were a cr*p-load of women welders,cause of alot of the guy's were overseas.They taught alot of women and they did great.Somebody posted a photo on here awhile back of some war-weldin women.Cant find it though.I'm a squid with the computer stuff...
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 05-09-2007 14:51
Some of the best bead hands I know are girls. So thumbs-up to you.
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 05-09-2007 14:55
I'm 31, been working in the welding and manufacturing industry since I was 18. Graduated college with a degree in Welding Engineering and am currently employed as a Welding Engineer and CWI. Also run a small, mobile welding equipment repair business to help support my archery habit. Your right that most the welding work force is reaching retirement age. I try to promote welding to the younger people as much as I can. They need to understand that welding requires knowledge and skill and that it is a respectable trade and is a very much needed part of society.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-10-2007 09:48 Edited 05-10-2007 10:27
MDG Custom Weld      there are no "stupid" questions.   Stupid is not asking when you dont know.

Dang I know my body is worn out and old but I am still learning every day.  I am 38 and been welding since 18.   You YOUNG ONES... steal swipe and gather every bit of info you can from this older group on this forum.   Stuff some of these guys know you will NEVER find in a book or a tutorial. I am still learning things about this craft I had no CLUE of after twenty years in the biz.....there is a lot to it and I can't express how much of it is not in print it can only be learned from somone with experience or thru your own experience.
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 05-10-2007 10:56
Tommyjoking:  I think that you might have taken that out of context. 

I agree that there are no stupid questions, that's what I was trying to get across.  I'm sorry if it looked like I was saying people here ask stupid questions, I know that quite the contrary.
Parent - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 05-10-2007 11:03
Well Put Tommyjoking,

I think you and I are quite a bit likeminded.  I too am learning all the time...

It's when you love learning, and then are able to diligently apply it in a nitch that makes it thrilling
and all the more worth while....

Parent - By Eutectic (**) Date 05-10-2007 11:28
25, My only Problem with all the learning is that the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. it seems to be a gap that increases exponentially. nonetheless it is my life.

Parent - - By rebekah (**) Date 05-10-2007 21:33
Hey Local14

I just turned 30 and have been playing with molten metal since I was 19--so you are up on me too!  Every one has said such glowing words about the forum there isnt much to add except that I agree with them all.  Absolutely gald to have another young woman on the site.  I work with a lady who started when she was nineteen in Houston, she showed me a picture today of her welding tantalum pipe with a rigged up rotater thing (the proper word escapes me)--it was taken in 1978.  She was chagrined to hear that I was only 1 at the time!!! 

Parent - - By Molten Metal (**) Date 05-10-2007 21:56
You used to play with me? (molten-metal).I'm so old I dont remember....! J/K ofcourse. I am teaching my 13 year old daughter to mig weld started her about 6 weeks ago.She's starting to kinda get the hang of it.Still a bit scared of it all.
Parent - - By Cole Welding (**) Date 05-10-2007 23:26
i am 34 . i have been around welding all my life. i really stated getting into it when i was 12 when me and my dad built fences and cattles guards and feeder and etc. and after i was 18 i went to work at the same place where my dad was working at. then he tried like hell to keep me from being a welder because he didnt want me to go through the hard time like he did in the 80s. i have been to 4 different schools and i went to truck driving school, mainenance school, crimal justice school, and then to top it off i got a degree in welding. and last year i started building rig with his old welder and now i have my own welding truck and out of work like it was in the 80s. lol lol lol. 

and now i am looking for work and tring to find someone to teach me more how to make a living about welding because i dad is in bad health and cant show me anything else..   so now i see lots of adds for tig and pipe welders and my friends said the pipeline is different then that too.. so i have lots of things to learn and to do know here to start
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-11-2007 06:00
MDG Custom Weld  Sorry maybe I was jumping the gun a bit....I am good at that you know....I can fit both my boots in my mouth at the drop of a hat LOL
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 05-11-2007 10:40
Thanks Tommnyjoking, but no reason to be sorry.  That's the good thing about most of the people here, it's an open forum, speak your mind, agree or disagree, like it or not, and in the end, respect for others is at the top.
Parent - - By mbawelder Date 05-24-2007 19:14
It is refreshing to hear about younger folks taking up the trade.  Where I work, everyone is 50 plus and talking about retirement, medications, physical ailments adn the 'good old days'.  Very few young welders.  Here are two interesting tidbits that I found in an AWS article.
-- According to the January 2007 AWS Journal, the average age of welders today is 54 years old.
-- By 2010 there will be a shortage of over 200,000 welders in the US.
Parent - By TheBlackWidow (*) Date 05-26-2007 16:09
33 here and started welding late in the game BUT hey Ive still got plenty of time to play w molten metal LMAO You know what i mean : )
Just stared teaching my boy some welding as well hes 8
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone under 35?

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