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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Answer - Why yes, that is a CWI stamp in my pocket
- - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 13:01
Question - Is that a CWI stamp in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

That's right fellas, got my results yesterday.  I passed!!  WOO HOO!!!! ....and did alot better than I thought :)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-01-2007 13:30
I never had a doubt that you wouldn't pass......;-)
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 13:36
Why, thank you kind sir.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 05-03-2007 16:16
Hmmm......  A double negative statement means...

I forgot to add the important part - Congrats to you new tito
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-03-2007 17:57
Oh caught me again!
....the Grammar police are watching...LOL @ Chet
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-03-2007 18:09
I noticed it too but decided to just accept the compliment....unless of course you were meaning you thought I wouldn't pass!! :)

Took me a minute to really read it and hope you were actually congratulating me....but then again, I know better! :)
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 05-01-2007 13:42
Congrats to you. I know how you feel.  Whats next? API,NACE,ICC?
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-01-2007 13:55
I never had any doubt either new tito, congrats, and welcome to the club! ;-)
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 15:06
If anything, it might be NACE.  I have no idea about that cert, but it's worth looking into.  In my field, it's ASME pressure vessels and gas compressor packages, so not sure what other certs would/could apply.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-01-2007 15:16
I just finished and passed a NACE course...a very good course, I might add.

I'd rate that exam up there with the CWI exam in terms of toughness. <-----at least for a dumby like me anyways
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 15:40
Could you give me a brief scope that the NACE cert program is for.  This is my 1st company that I've ever even heard of NACE, it as it applies to my biz., is for H2S service.
Parent - - By rebel74 (*) Date 05-01-2007 14:24
did you take the seminar and exam? How difficult was it I am going in Aug. to take mine.
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 15:14
My usual reply to this question - It wasn't as hard as I thought, but, by no means was it easy.

Advise - study, study.  Especially the Certification Manual for Welding Inspectors.  Make copies of the practice test so you don't mark all in the books.  Read a chapter then immediately take the test and grade yourself.  Go back and read where your weak points are.  After you finished the book and tests, wait a day or so and then take all of the tests at one time.  Read the book at least a few times.

At seminar time, they hand out tons of practice tests for all three tests.  DO THEM, and STUDY, STUDY, STUDY the week you're there.  If you're doing the 1104 tests, make sure you know the two annexes, no matter what you instructor says (mine was mis-informed about the added questions).

Other than that - STUDY!!

I went to school for QC/NDT, so I was familiar with a lot of the subjects.  I didn't have much time to study, so I had to make very good use of my self "crash course", and the seminar sure helped quite a bit.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-01-2007 14:41

Don't think for a moment life will get easier. Now the real work begins.

Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 15:14

Life never gets easier, no matter how many certs you aquire!! :)
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 05-01-2007 16:28
Agreed, The more certs you get the more people expect you to know everything related to all of them.  "Arent you certified, why dont you know the answer to some obscure question I asked you while were standing here in the field?" 
Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 05-01-2007 15:51
new tito , we are all very happy about your news . good luck . willie
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 16:05
thank you willie
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 05-01-2007 16:39
A musician and a CWI? It dosen't get much better than that!
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 05-01-2007 19:40
I don't know if I'd call myself a musician...more of a vocalist in a band that tries to play guitar.  :)

It's a good balance.
Parent - - By cammarp Date 05-01-2007 23:41
When did you take the exam?  I took it 3-24 and just got my results, but the letter said 3-4 more weeks for the stamp.  Did you get yours all at one time?
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 05-02-2007 02:01
If I recall, it was 3-25, on a Sunday.  Was yours in Houston?  No I did not get my stamp yet, it was a figure of speech.
Parent - - By cammarp Date 05-03-2007 02:54
Yeah except I took mine on Saturday. I took the full seminar with Ron Theiss and then the test on Saturday.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 05-03-2007 12:19
I leave saturday to take mine in Detroit.  How long does it usually take to get your results?  Was the seminar worth the money and did you have to study hardcore everynight?
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-03-2007 14:52
I was at the Sheridan Hotel a few doors down.

I took my test on 3-25 and received my results on 4-30, so, a little over 5 weeks.  The seminar was worth the money.  I probably could have passed if I self studied, but I had little time from application, to getting study material, to testing.  Yes, study hardcore every night, I don't know why you wouldn't???  The amount of "homework" they give is horrible.  To get out at 6pm and have to read 2-3 chapters of a book, plus take the practice tests.....yeah, it's rough!  I was up till about 12 every night.  But, the chapters you read for homework, you end up going over the next day in class.  It's a benefit to you to do all the reading and practice testing and going over it again in class.
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 05-03-2007 15:18
It took 7 weeks before I saw my results. It's a tough test, be prepared. When I tested I took the D1.1 test. Best advice I can give is to know your code book inside and out, and DON'T FORGET TO LOOK AT THE NOTATIONS. Guys will get in a hurry and not pay attention to the small notes on tables. Know how to look up the info you need quickly without having to search page by page. Use key words and the index. A number of guys in my class did well during the class, but didn't pass the test. This isn't meant to scare anyone, but give a good understanding of difficulty.
Good Luck
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 05-03-2007 16:52
100% agreed.  The foot notes are what got me on the practical exam during the seminar.  I scored a 76 on the practice tests because I didn't look closely enough to those little details.  I figured out what went wrong, corrected it at test time and made a 93 on that part.
Parent - By cammarp Date 05-04-2007 21:35
Took me the same.. 5 weeks to find out i passed.  The seminar was good it filled in the blanks and showed you how to read the questions they were asking on the test.  I self-studied for about 2 months before the exam.  You either know the answer (or where to find it for the code) or you dont.  The trick is how to read the question to know what they are they are asking for.  I am still waiting for my stamp so i can do some real work now.
Parent - - By cammarp Date 05-08-2007 22:59
Did you get your stamp yet?  Anyone know how long it takes for this the stamp to arrive after you complete your test?
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 05-09-2007 11:59
It's another 4-6 weeks after you get your scores.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-10-2007 09:53
Congrats dude thats great!!!!!!!!!

I have been debating taking the same test and moving into teaching.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Answer - Why yes, that is a CWI stamp in my pocket

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