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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 2* burns
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-16-2007 01:52
Alright......I  got my injury for the year - burns.

Was at a location doing a patch on a seperator. The pumper never showed up, so (AGAINST) my better judgment, I proceeded with the repair. I couldn't get the last stitch in due to about 20 pounds of pressure on the vessel. Walked into the adjoining shack to see where the valve was to shut it in.....

In the time it took to get 2nd and 3rd degree flash burns I was bounding up off the ground 8 feet from the doorway of the shack  -  on fire!

Lightning had hit location, and a slow leak inside the shack was ignited by static electricity.

I went down the hill to the hospital and t-boned a guy who decided to take a left while I was passing him in a passing zone.

Truck's totalled, and I'm sitting around popping percocets every couple of hours, wondering what I did to deserve it all............30% of my arms and my nose lips and cheeks are sloughing off as we speak.
Parent - By IRWelder (*) Date 05-16-2007 02:20
Holy sheet Sourdough!!! Sorry to hear about what happened and hope that you have a quick recovery. Sounds like you are lucky to be alive!!!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-16-2007 04:10
Holly Shit is right. Be really careful about infection where the skin comes off. Best of luck to You for a speedy recovery.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 05-16-2007 05:29
Get well soon, Sourdough!

Parent - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 05-16-2007 11:52

Sorry for your mishap and injury...

I will be praying for you....  For a speedy, sound recovery... and for God's Special Provision for you and your family. Sometimes things happen in life that we just don't understand....  Sometimes they beat us up, make us angry , and even cause us to rebel and harbor
resentment against the Creator and Redeemer of all men.... Sometimes He uses these things to draw us closer
to Himself while we still reside on this earthly scene... My wife of 17 years (this month) has endured over
47 Surgeories as a result of a car accident that dates back to 1979... So we know all about Trama, Shock,
Horror, Post Tramatic Stress, Depression, Rage, and Cronic Pain... Just to mention a few negatives...
But we also know about Hope, Recovery, Healing, Faith...  and a Peace that Surpasses All Understanding.... Because we have been delivered...
Perhaps one day I will share more about our testimony..

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 05-16-2007 11:31
Man your streak of bad luck is amazing. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 05-16-2007 12:18
If not for bad luck you would'nt have any at all.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 05-16-2007 12:46
Yeah good luck brotha!!  Keep that stuff clean cause pheumonia aint no joke for burn victims!!
Parent - By norcalwelder (**) Date 05-16-2007 14:41
I hope you get well soon man. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 05-16-2007 15:10
I wish you the best for a quick recovery man,  Take the time to play with that wonderful child running around the house.
Parent - By Cgregory (**) Date 05-16-2007 15:14

I hope you get well very soon!

-- Christine
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 05-16-2007 17:30
Hey SD,
Hey 'bro, you were blessed again....not your time yet..... Hope you heal're younger, so your body will heal much faster than us 'ol timers. Just another instant for you to see how precious life and all we have can be and why those of us never take anything for granted once we touch the shadow. Like me in my bike wreck, you had an angel with her wings wrapped around you.......Denny
Parent - - By fluxcore (*) Date 05-16-2007 21:05 Edited 05-16-2007 23:29
Sourdough, get well soon.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-16-2007 22:03
Thanks guys! Guess I'll have to use my hot rod '76chevy for my rig now.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 05-17-2007 00:34
Include my good wishes in this list.
Parent - - By Molten Metal (**) Date 05-17-2007 01:01
Man....Gnarly.They make this stuff called "sylvadine",not sure about the spelling,that works great for relieving the pain of burns.See if they have some at your hospital.Get well bro.Gary.
Parent - - By bellaru (*) Date 05-17-2007 02:17
got any pictures.........?

what about the welding machine.......did it survive also.........?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-17-2007 19:23
You're a sick puppy "bellaru"!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-21-2007 16:32 Edited 05-31-2007 00:37
I'll post 'em on myspace;
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-21-2007 16:32
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-21-2007 16:36
Been using it every day with the fresh bandages. It's some good stuff, for sure!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-17-2007 06:20
You seem to be really having it lately, Hope you get well soon. Sounds to me like you could have died. As others have said already, be careful with the infections.

Parent - By medicinehawk (**) Date 05-17-2007 08:12
I am sorry to hear of your injury. I hope you heal quickly. My prayers to the Creator will include you. Be well.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-17-2007 14:57
I hope you recover quickly and wish you and your family the best.

As they say, "a moment's indiscretion can lead to a lifetime of pain."

I hope that isn't your case and the pain and discomfort is temporary.

Watch those pain killers, they can lead to other problems if not used with discretion.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 05-17-2007 16:05
That sucks SD!!!  I feel for ya man!!  Good luck getting those burns to stop hurting, keep the pain meds close at hand!

Well, look on the bright side, you and wyatt can spend some quality time on the couch during the day, maybe even get into some soaps :)

Hope your not out of work for too long, get better soon.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 05-18-2007 02:58
Another thing to be carefull about with the pain meds [besides getting hooked] is becoming constipated and having an impacted bowel. If it stops movin' , drink lots of prune juice.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-18-2007 07:15
Dude ...

I know it sucks now but remember it could have been worse...your still alive and can be there for your will heal and trucks can be replaced...people can't.   If they do the scraping treatment on your burns (I am sorry) try to stick with it I know its painfull as hell....but you will look much better and probably keep most of your pores if you do it.   I had a torch burn on my left arm that was pretty bad at one time...

Will give prayers for you and yours man....I hope you have a speedy recovery and the guy that cut you off has to get you a new rig.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 05-19-2007 02:23
Que Dios Te Bendigas Siempres Amigo!!!
Translation: May God Bless You Always Friend!!!

This all may be a blessing in disguise even though right now it's real difficult to look at things from that perspective. As you know I've had my share of bad times healthwise due to many injuries from accidents and incidents so, I'm not talking to you as someone without experience...

What I'm getting at is simply this: Sourdough! Get off that "pitty pot" before it gets too comfortable!!! There's a reason why this happened!!! Heck! you may not or I may not know why but nonetheless, there's a reason for this happening and right now, it's none of your business to know why - capish???

Soon enough,the Lord will let you in on why this happened... However, now is not the time to drive yourself nuts trying to figure out what happened and remember one thing Sourdough! I'm talking from experience here Friend!!! So enjoy the time you'll now have with your son, learn to appreciate your wife for who she is and do'nt worry about things that you in all honesty - have no control over at the present time!!! In other words, enjoy life on life's terms!!!

For heaven's sake do'nt do what I did and isolate yourself from everyone else like I did because I liked the feel of swimming in my own manure!!! Ya get me??? One last thing young man!!! Get some Gratitude in your Atitude again!!! Staying Greatful will get you through any crisis and I'd say right now is just as good as any time of crisis... You're a good man Sourdough!!! Stay that way!!! ;)

Parent - By darren (***) Date 05-19-2007 04:36
hope your better as soon as possible
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-21-2007 16:29
I just had to have one or two days being pissed is all. No sweat, I'm on the mend. Itching like crazy, so that's good.......

Here's what I did in my "time off"; Put a 205 transcase married to a 400 turbo in my second truck. It was getting wore out.

On the engine I put a crane racing cam in it, and 202 corvette heads on. It's now a 350 horse 350ci.

Neato, huh?
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 05-20-2007 15:32
At least you are still around to tell the story, getwell soon best to you and yours. The average man would have most likley paniced. watch out for those pain killers.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 05-21-2007 20:41


Couldn't agree more.
Working on a pipeline in the early 80s in NZ and was following a mate home in his Chevy Blazer welding rig when he had a tyre blowout going down a mountain range.
Rig flipped on its roof and skidded about a 1/4 mile down the hill.Tore the tops off the oxy/acetylene bottles and ground about 3" off the top of the Lincoln 400.The cab was crushed to about 3' square and amazingly my mate got out with barely a scratch.
Crane arrived, flipped the rig over and when they cranked up the old Lincoln it fired up first time.
Takes a lot to kill the old Lincoln.
Best wishes on your recovery,
Parent - - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 05-22-2007 11:20

Just Curious...   What happened to the oxy. and acet. cylinders when the tops were ripped off....?
Were they full cylinders....?  
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-24-2007 11:42
Parent - - By TheBlackWidow (*) Date 05-26-2007 16:14
I hope your Recovery is going well !!
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 05-27-2007 15:13
I will mail you a bottle of Jim Beam to speed the recovery. Makes me want to build that "battle bumper" for my truck now.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-29-2007 00:37
Prefer Crown Royal....Thanks fire.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 2* burns

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