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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / cold & hot wire feed....
- - By JA (**) Date 05-22-2007 07:21
During GTAW.......what is meant by "cold wire feed",,,,,"hot wire feed"......?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-22-2007 11:23
Here is an explaination from Jetline

In "Hot Wire" GTAW current is run through the filler, the resistance heats it and the result is increased deposition... I think it us usually a semi-auto or mechanized GTA process.

"Cold Wire"  is plain ol hand feed of bare rod.
Parent - By JA (**) Date 05-22-2007 12:57
Thank you Lawrence.......
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / cold & hot wire feed....

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