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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Canadian Apprenticeships
- - By Marslo Date 05-21-2007 22:50 Edited 05-22-2007 01:36

I'm just about to finish a 1800 hour training programme for welding and metal fitting up here in Canada. With this and my new found fondness for bringing all types of different metal together in harmony. I was wondering if any of you would have some career advice.

Mainly, what i was wondering about is Apprenticeships. From what i heard mostly, that the best way to be offered one is to go face to face with an employer and convince him you would make a good one. But should i have anything else under my belt, other then my course? I mean what does an employer generally look for in an apprentice.

Should i build up some field experience first? Go work in a shop?

Thanks in advance
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-21-2007 23:00
From what I hear those Canadian votech programms are awsome.

Why not go right to your nearest union hall and tell them the same thing you are telling us... I would think they would be happy to talk to a guy like you.

What do your program instructors advise?
Parent - By Marslo Date 05-22-2007 23:29
Thank you for the advice!

I have looked at the provincial construction union ( Commission de la construction du Québec, CCQ for short) and oddly enough the only trade that  cannot be taken up by an Apprenticeship is Welding. Not only that, but from what i have been told there membership runs on a "knowing some one on the inside" type of deal. I'm going to go met with them and see what they have to say as well.

There's a couple of other unions in Quebec, but nothing as solid as some of the labor unions, south of the border.

But from what my program instructor says, Apprenticeships in Quebec, for Welding are rarely given. It's actually classified under an art and not a trade up here. So most likely ill have to drive my research to the West.
Parent - By JA (**) Date 05-28-2007 16:32
Ironworkers union , they'll put you to work.....
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Canadian Apprenticeships

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