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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Most in demand specialty
- - By gogden (*) Date 06-15-2007 00:26
Hello all,
             Was wondering which welding process is most in demand at this time. I'm sure it probably varies alot with location, but over all, which specialty do you consider to be the most lucrative and in demand. Thanks.

                                                                                                                     Gregg Ogden
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-15-2007 12:54
Hey Gregg

Your right.... Your big question has alot to do with geography.

More GMAW jobs available in the U.S. than anything else by far... But they usually don't pay the most.

For pure cash..  SMAW pipe is #1   But it takes a good bit of experience and skill to get good enough to earn that money... It will also take alot of travel 99 percent of the time.

Next would be GTAW pipe or GTAW/SMAW of pipe

Bottom line is you can make good money welding and there is a BIG demand for experts in all processes.

If you can do some math, fit/fabricate, and have a mastry of GMAW, FCAW, SMAW and GTAW you will land on your feet anyplace.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-15-2007 13:32
Orbital GTAW is hot too. 

For any of those interested in the resurgence of the nuclear industry, the NRC now has some 14 (or more) requests for new plants... once approved there will most definately not be enough highly skill craft to go around. 

Strip cladding and SAW will also be biggies.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-15-2007 13:57
Ah, yes. The resurgance of nukies. Brings back fond memories of professional weld qualfication test busters, shifts of 7-whatevers, a change of seasons before striking a production arc, two inch pipe supports the size of Volvos, runnin the gauntlet of protesters, the nuclear shuffle, burnt noses, blue rooms smelling of something other than they're supposed to, hold points ad infinitum, and watching your beard grow while waiting on inspection.
It doesn't get any better than that.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-15-2007 14:07
Oh, and lets not forget check pools the size of the National Debt.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 06-15-2007 14:14
Ahhhhh, I forgot about the check pools!!!!  Somehow I don't think the blue rooms smelling of burning rope are going to cut it nowadays, lol!!!
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 06-15-2007 14:48
To perhaps testify to the fact that I have spent my fair share of time in blue rooms (not to necessarily hijack the thread), cooking, freezing, and trying to get out as soon as possible, and to perhaps offer some advice to others, take note of the following.
Have you ever sat in one of those things and heard the back up horn from a crane very nearby, and getting closer? It is not unheard for an Operating Engineer to have his head up his,,,,,, and with his outriggers knock one over with somebody in it. Remember, these guys respond to hand signals, so if they're not get any they won't stop.
So, if this happens to you remember this, if you have a pocket knife you can poke a little hole in the wall of the blue room. This little hole makes a terrific aperture as a camera. Then you take some of the paper that hopefully is available, and hold it up in front of the little hole. You will now see an image of whatever is on the outside, so you can keep an eye on that apprentice OE as he's backing up and coming toward you. Of course the image will be upside down, but who cares. When the image gets big get the heck out!!! Then you will be around to give the OE a differnt kind of hand signal.
Just a little advice from your old friend js55.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 06-16-2007 15:56
I like 'em all, Meaning that I have set up the rig to offer all of the most common processes, GMAW,SMAW,GTAW,& FCAW. The next purchase would be some plasma gear. In relationship to money it all pays the same as the rate for the rig is the rate for the rig I don't care what process the client wants to use but I do like to offer him the best process for his particular application. My theory seems to be working as the rig keeps moving while other guys are standing still.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Most in demand specialty

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