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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIG welding stainless
- - By artgirl (*) Date 06-27-2007 12:17
I need to MIG weld 304 stainless steel to stainless and to carbon steel. My local welding supply store says that they have not been able to get the gas mix right and have had porosity problems MIG welding stainless. My old welding text says Argon with either 1% or 5% oxygen is the preferred gas. For detailed small areas we can TIG weld, but I need a faster easier solution for large pases on vertical and hard to reach areas of my sculpture. Any suggestions?

Bettye Turner
Parent - By SWP (**) Date 06-27-2007 13:48
Parent - By reddoggoose (**) Date 06-27-2007 14:12
Typically when welding stainless to carbon steel a 309 electrode should be used. If you are just doing art work it probably won't matter too much. Oxygen is added in order to reach a spray transfer, this is good for structural applications or thick sections, but it may be too hot for ornamental work and will limit your welding to heavier material and flat and horizontal positions. A short circuit transfer will  let you weld vertical. To weld with a short circuit transfer you should use a trimix gas of 90% helimum/ 7.5% argon/ 2.5% CO2. .
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-27-2007 15:39

Good advice above.

Can only add that maybe it would be wise to seek out a different local welding supply.  What your doing has been done very productively for over 30 years.... If those folks are unable to solve even the theoretical part of this than I wouldn't trust them for much of anything.
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 06-27-2007 16:06
I agree with Lawrence 100%.
Parent - - By artgirl (*) Date 06-28-2007 10:00
Thanks guys! I'll try this solution. It should make the next few weeks much more pleasant and let me meet the deadline. Always great to hear from the experts!

Parent - - By ryland (*) Date 06-28-2007 15:31
Betty, is it a must to weld with stainless? if not why not just weld with carbon electrodes there is alot of savings that way. Ryland
Parent - - By artgirl (*) Date 06-28-2007 16:08
After buying a small roll of stainless MIG wire this morning, I decided to save it for stainless to stainless on the bull's face. I draw in the lines with round stock and then cut patterns out of 16g or 18g sheet. Still the MIG solution saves lots of time and labor costs. Thanks!

Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 06-29-2007 03:13
Don't forget to post a picture when you finish.
Parent - By Greg G. (**) Date 07-05-2007 18:29
Also use a nozzle with say a 5/8" dia. orifice as this will give you better gas coverage. A small orifice will cause trouble when a little spatter build up happens. This will cause turblence in the flow of gas. Small orifice nozzles have their places and that is in narrow and hard to get to places. Check the machine for the proper CFH. I have always used 20 to 25.  A lot of people think that, hey the weld is not looking good so I will turn up the CFH up all the way. This to will cause turblance and that turns into porosity. If you are using a guage with a ball then the top of the ball should be at the line of the CFH you want. Wipe the material to be welded with a cleaner, ( not an oil base cleaner, leaves an oily film). These things will help in producing a quality weld. Remember clean is always better for welding. Sometimes it is not possible but when it is. Do it.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIG welding stainless

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