If I've understood correctly your question, you want to determine the centerline of a vertical pipe.
There's a tool called "universal square" that can be used to do that.
Among other manufacturers, Mitutoyo (www.mitutoyo.com) makes that tool.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
You have to be a little more specific about what you mean by "center of vertical pipe". No idea if you mean the center of length, diameter, or centered off a reference point of another object or pipe running with or connected to it. Please give some more details and I am sure we can answer your question.
By DaveBoyer
Date 07-01-2007 02:29
Edited 07-02-2007 02:19
Formula for finding the center of a pipe: Outside diameter divided by 2. They don't call Me a wiseguy for nothing. The tool Mr. Crisi mentioned is often called [in the US] a "Center Head" and is used on the scale of a combination square.
center finder......yep, that's what it's called.
Mine's made by Curv-O Mark
I don't know if it is the same tool but , Pipe level is what I have always called it made by curv-O-mark.
Curv-o-marc is what I use but Flange wizzard makes a good one as well. Their stuff is a little high but excellent tools.