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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / CWI - ASME
- - By weldhernc Date 03-20-2002 13:26
can a CWI work and do qualifacations with the ASME codes?
Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 03-20-2002 13:40
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 03-20-2002 13:43
There is no requirement or restriction for CWI's by ASME.
Parent - - By brande (***) Date 12-08-2002 07:24
No-an AWS CWI is not qualified to sign off on ASME weldments. Period.
The ASME does not offer CWI or inspector certification.

Being employed by one of the major insurance companies can get your ASME cert. Hartford Boiler comes to mind, but there may be others.

If you do find a way that an AWS CWI can get ASME approval, please let me know!!
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 12-08-2002 14:12
Final acceptance is done by the AI (Authorized Inspector) who may be employed by a company such as Hartford, Factory Mutual, etc.. That is the person that has final acceptance authority as far as data reports go.

A manufacturers or stamp holders inspector (or any other representative) can qualify welders and inspect welds etc. within the requirements of that organizations quality system. That person may also be the manufacturers representative that signs the area on the manufacturers data reports.

ANY manufacturers designated representative can test welders, prepare and test PQRS, write WPS's etc. That person does not have to be an "Inspector" of any kind or even in the quality control organization as far as I know. That same person may be used to perform in-process inspections prior to AI inspection , verify and review material test reports, assure that welder records are properly maintained, prepare weld maps etc...

Have a nice day

G Austin
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-09-2002 12:42
A CWI is exactly that, A "CERTIFIED WELDING INSPECTOR". That certification says that by holding that cert. you can interpet code, any code.
I see Welder Certs from other companies here in town, that work to ASME codes, that are sealed with CWI and SCWI stamps all the time.
John Wright
Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 12-09-2002 18:45
Does this mean the hundreds of welder qualifications, procedure qualifications, line/vessel/equipment, etc. I accepted on behalf of Saudi ARAMCO are not valid? We were the owners representatives using only our CWI certifications as part of the inspectors' qualification criteria.

[I wonder if weldhern is still monitoring this post 9 months later.]

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-09-2002 18:56
You R in trouble now!
John Wright
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-10-2002 18:27
I've been looking at this post trying to figure out why you were wondering if "weldhern" is still monitoring this post nine months later.
I finally scrolled all the way to the top, and yep, I finally figured out what you were talking about.
Somethings take along time to sink in this thick skull.
John Wright
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-10-2002 14:10
This is a fairly complex issue. The simple answer is yes, a CWI may qualify welders and accept weldments using any of the ASME Codes EXCEPT ASME Section III, Subsection NF - in which case the accepting party must be qualified under ASNT-SNT-TC-1A. Under ASME Codes, one must separate the terms "Examiner" and "Inspector." The "Examiner" can be a CWI or another person with training and/or experience which would qualify them to properly exam welds. The "Inspector" is an Authorized Inspector (National Board qualified) who works under either an Insurance entity or some other authorized body. All NDE (other than visual) must be performed by ANST qualified NDE technicians, for ASME III, Subsection NF discussed earlier ~ that document considers visual weld examination as an NDE Method (the only ASME Code I am aware of that does such). Authorized Inspectors (AI's) are required any time a manufacturer is required to prepare Code Data Stamps and install a "Name Plate" or "Code Stamp" on the item(s) they produce. Under several states and countries ASME Code is considered law in fabrication practices. Hope this helps. Any rebuttal?
Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 12-10-2002 16:46
All NDT performed was in strict compliance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A. We also had to qualify as Level II Film Interpreter's. We were the final buy-off for all I stated above. NDT was the technicians job, we made sure procedures, technique and results were in compliance.

We were also given "gratuitous" titles. Mine was Inspection Engineer I - P&E (Plant & Equipment). The authorized body is ARAMCO itself. No I am not an engineer.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-10-2002 17:24
DGXL, having never been to Saudi (and no desire to go) I can't speak intelligently on what the norm is there. I have heard good things about Aramco though so I imagine whatever setup they had was legit for the circumstances. Anyway, looking through the responses I guess you've got a pretty good look at peoples different thoughts on the matter!
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-10-2002 17:27
brande, I hope you've read the responses here. An AWS CWI may sign and accept ASME weldments ~ in fact one doesn't even need to be a CWI in order to do so. I believe you may have been confusing the contractor or fabricators inspector with the authorized inspector.
Parent - - By brande (***) Date 12-14-2002 04:10
Thanks, Jon.

I recently completed my CWI training and at that ime my instructor said an AWS CWI could do ASME work.

Maybe I misunderstood or maybe nodding off!! :-)

Thanks again for the correction-it will surely help in the future!!

BTW-I contacted ASME regarding training to become an AI. They said they had none, officially.-any ideas??

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-16-2002 18:03

Cool deal. As Daon points out, both are separate but related fields. As for AI training, I suggest you contact Hartford Steam Boiler ~ they have excellent courses. You may also contact the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors to see what they have. I know at one time, National Board offered preparatory courses for those interested in sitting for the National Board exam. Finally, you may want to contact your local jurisdiction as they too often have preparatory courses. Since you hve only recently passed your CWI let me offer a word of encouragement ~ I have held my CWI (now SCWI) status continuously since 1980 and it has been extremely good for my career and pocketbook. But, don't think that an AI status will necessarily mean more $$$ ~ usually it will mean a decrease in salary however, in the long term it may be beneficial if you obtain qualification, spend your time in the field and then move on! WHEW!!!!! Sorry for the long oration!
Parent - By brande (***) Date 12-19-2002 05:39
Jon-thanks again for your insight.
I think I'll contact the National Board for recommendations as you suggest.

Been in this business for many years, and I get many offers from the major distributors as well as the popular manufacturers.
I really think that inspection is the course for me over the next 10 yrs or so I have to go.

Would really like to get an inspection business going.

Again many thanks for your help.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 12-10-2002 00:43
If I am not mistaken, I am under the impression it works like this...
Any CWI can stamp/certify welding procedures and sign off on inspections in line with the ASME Code.
However, only a NBIC certified, Insurer employed, Authirized Inspector (AI) can certify final approval before an ASME certifeid fab shob may affix an ASME stamp on a Pressure Vessel and/or Boiler.
Am I right or wrong?
Parent - - By Daon (*) Date 12-14-2002 10:36
As an ASME-AI and an AWS-CWI let me try and clarify for all of you. Welding Inspection is a job and Boiler Inspection is a job. The two don't necessarily meet, although both have similar knowledge requirements. The AWS is a code and ASME is a code, but they both build diferent items. Both codes stipulate that the manufactuter is responsible for his work. To build an item under the ASME code and for it to be "Code Stamped" the shop must be approved by the ASME and that also means having a contract with an insurance company that uses AI's that were certified by the National Board. Building a job to the AWS is more a contractural item and inspection parties must be agreed upon between both sidesof the contract.
Want to be an AI? Contact your local ASME approved insurance company, most have course that will then send you to the State run exams. Want to be a CWI? Take an AWS test.
Parent - - By brande (***) Date 12-19-2002 05:44
Thanks, Daon

I've done the AWS CWI thing. It was a good thing to do.

Would like to become an ASME AI

Who would I contact in western PA?

I am serious about getting my AI rating.

Many thanks

Parent - - By Daon (*) Date 12-26-2002 18:10
Greetings and Merry Christmas brande,
The best is to log on to ASME and start searching who has courses and where.
I did it in 1994 with Kemper in Chicago, but they were bought out by Hartford.
The course was 1 month for boiler inspector and one week for AI (if my memory serves me correct).
Then I went to Springfield for 3 days of exams. The first day is calculations, the second day is practical multiple choice, and the third day was AI multiple choice.
Good Luck.

It's a hard test, much harder than CWI, but there are less AI's then CWI's, and it's worth it.

Parent - By brande (***) Date 12-28-2002 07:21
Thanks, Daon.

I'll do just that and see what happens.
Also many thanks for the info you have provided.

Have a great rest of the holidays!!

Parent - - By llpcode Date 02-28-2008 16:31
A CWI can sign off for the manufacturer for weldments on the behalf of that manufacturer.   BUT, a CWI is not an ASME Authorized Inspector - and only the ASME Authorized Inspector is authorized to certify the boiler, pressure vessel, B31.1 "PP" or "S" ASME COde stamped piping.

AWS welding code is significantly different from the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

Please do not be fooled thinking that a CWI is empowered to endorse or sign-off on any ASME code item.

This does not mean that a CWI can not sign off on a shop or site weld, as a fabricator or erector's QC inspector, which is quite different than signing off the ASME Data Report for the entire or partial ASME Code stamped item.

PS:  Been an ASME Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor since 1978...
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-28-2008 17:01
Please stop by a little more often if possible. Your expertise would be very welcome. This may be an AWS site but many conversations deal with ASME issues.
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