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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / don't read this!
- - By BMason (*) Date 07-12-2007 20:18
thought that would get ur attention...
  i am wondering if anyone else has come acrossed this or if i'm just missin somthun. in the cert manual 4 welding inspectors 4th edition ; chapter 5 practice test, in the answer key for questions 1,9,24,31,34 and 56 the answers givin don't seem to match the text in that chapter. can any of u guys tell me if you agree or am i reading the questions wrong. or maybe it's a riddle i've never been good at those...
Parent - - By JA (**) Date 07-13-2007 04:01
34 and 56 are wrong.........

and theres more , the book is full of them.........

what a joke.........
Parent - - By BMason (*) Date 07-13-2007 11:34
i read chapter 5 four times before i realized it wasn't me... it was the answer key

if they don't know how am i spossed 2 know?

Parent - - By JA (**) Date 07-13-2007 11:56
you know something , they charge us a arm and a leg for these manuals and there full of mistakes,,,,,and if you scored wrong on the test they give you,,,its our fault,,,,its not our job to dissect these questions,,,they tell you that these are the answers and you would think that they (AWS) are right,,,that we are not seeing something,,,so the test comes around and you remember what they said and guess what,,,your i said , the book is full of them........

hay Ross , since your so close them , why don't you personally tell them just how pissed off we are....i know i am...this test cost over a $1,000.00 dollars,,,,,,,,,,something i myself can't afford to just throw away.......
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-13-2007 16:09
Mason, JA,

Instead of trying to get the manual corrected, you should consider this:  You learned the subject because you had to look it up and re read it until you understood it, and knew why the answers were wrong.  It's kind of like the joke where the customer tells the waiter that there is a fly in the soup.  The waiter tells him; "Shssssh Don't let the other customers hear or they will want the free extra protien for nothing also". 

The ideal way to use those manuals (in my opinion) is to read the chapter several times. Answer those questions at the end of the module,  giving yourself only 45 seconds per question, just like you would have on the real examination.  Then look up and confirm the answers to those questions in the manual, not in the answer key. 
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 07-13-2007 18:05
I had the same situation.  There is a section on the AWS website that publishes all the mistakes, the officiial term is "Eratta", which I imagine is the technical name for errors.  It wasn't until I e-mailed AWS with the questions of the answer key must be wrong and they told me it was online, other wise I didn't realize it was there.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-16-2007 20:31
You know, I have much respect for the fellas here that know all the codes. I do not know the codes most times when it comes to exotic metals, or say bridge work. I only know that when I go nighty nighty, I should sleep well...................
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / don't read this!

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