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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Question on D17.1
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-14-2007 08:16
Just a casual question...

Are vision capability tests a requirement on D.17.1 or is that just (forgive me if im using wrong terminology) part of the companys wps?  We have to see the optomitrist every 2 years and get qualified. 

2nd Question:  We perform our visuals on actual parts every two that also wps/part of the company's requirements or is that a standard part of d17.1 requirements?


p.s. somone please speell out the acronyms wps and pqr for me please
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-14-2007 12:46 Edited 07-14-2007 13:07
Here ya go.

4.2.1 Physical Requirements
Welders and welding operators shall have vision acuity of
20/30 or better in either eye, and shall be able to read the Jaeger No. 2 Eye Chart at sixteen
inches [400 mm]. Corrected or uncorrected vision may be used to achieve eye test
requirements. If corrected vision is required to pass eye test requirements, then that fact shall be notated on qualification. Vision shall be tested to these requirements at least every two years. In addition, the fabricator may establish other reasonable and appropriate physical requirements for welders and welding operators. Initial Validity
Successful completion of welder and welding operator qualification tests shall be valid justification for issuance of certification at least for a period of two years from the date qualification test results are issued.

wps =  welding procedure specification

pqr =   procedure qualification record

Tommy........ it sounds like your using the term "wps" to mean your company's "standard practices" manual.

There is nothing wrong at all with a company making practices beyond what the code states..  D17 is intended to be a "minimalist" style code for just that reason.

My suggestion would be to get a copy of the code and just compare it to your company's practice manual.

Edit.  I'm not necessarily suggesting welders ought to go out buy copies of code books, your engineering dept. ought to have a tech library and be willing to help out anybody who is go-getter enough to come up stairs and look into this kind of stuff.
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 07-14-2007 12:53
"You tha Man" Lawrence, I learn something everytime I log onto the forum and I have to say you've made it to my personal farorite posters' list :)
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 07-14-2007 13:10
Hi Tommyjoking,
The first question I'm not sure of so I will let someone else answer you that question.

This is what I have for the second question;
WPS = Welder Procedure Specification
PQR = Procedure Qualification Record

Hope this will help.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-14-2007 17:56
Thx all

Lawerence I do have access to the d17.1 code as we keep a copy of it as well as the xtra's or the way our QC decided to implement it.  Been hard to get a chance to look up the differences lately as we are in "crunch time" mode and they want me laying as much filler as possible right now.  The fellow who set all this up is at another facility and sometimes its hard to get a hold of him for questions like these...(especially when its not pertinant to getting anything done LOL).

Thx for the response that cleared it up.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Question on D17.1

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