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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / 7018
- - By shadowelds (*) Date 07-15-2007 03:16
Can someone tell me what the difference ( or is there  1) is between low hydrogen 7018 and say a Hobart H 7018 electrode?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-15-2007 11:02
The varying suffixes (H, H4, H8 etc) are Hydrogen Designators

Different codes require different diffusable hydrogen levels in the weld deposit.

Here is a good article describing the picture for you
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-15-2007 18:23
Don't use -H4 for the "bubble" demonstration;-)

Parent - - By Mwccwi (***) Date 07-15-2007 18:45
Can someone tell me what the difference ( or is there  1) is between low hydrogen 7018 and say a Hobart H 7018 electrode?

Cool, I thought that since the H was a prefix that it stood for Hobart, I don't  or haven't used thier consumables so I'd never have thought of making the  prefix a suffix. :)
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-24-2007 01:25
It's all low hydrogen.......
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / 7018

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