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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Tig Welding
- - By BooTLeG (*) Date 07-28-2007 15:51
I'm new to tig welding and I was wondering why after everytime I finish welding a bead it will start popping afterwards. I have used amperage from 45-80, and I am also cleaning the metal before each weld. Any suggestions?

Lincoln Machine, 3/32 308 stainless filler rod, 1/8 stainless metal, 3/32 tunsten size, using argon gas set between 15-20.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-28-2007 17:08
Hello BooTLeG, I think I know what you are referring to but a bit more information might help everyone here on the forum to nail it down for you. You refer to hearing popping after you have completed making a weld. Popping, tinkling, other sorts of sounds coming from the stainless could be due to the fact that stainless steel has a high coefficient of thermal expansion(thus it moves and shifts a lot) and after the welding the metal is cooling and shifting at the juncture of the joint, this could possibly cause sound to resonate from this shifting between the two pieces, or from the part moving ever so slightly on the bench or table that you have it setting on and then causing a sound that is amplified through the part. Just a few thoughts to ponder, I'm sure others may have a better explanation, but do consider trying to provide additional information. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By BooTLeG (*) Date 07-28-2007 22:18
what other information do you need? It does sound like what is happening though, after the weld cools and cleaned it is left with little dots all over where the metal was popping off.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-28-2007 22:25
Hello again BooTLeG, if you've got dots all over where "the metal was popping off" that sounds like you've got some form of contamination on the weld beads, like possibly silica or silicon. Are these dots a dark color prior to when they start popping off or are they a somewhat brownish and glassy looking consistency? A clean and properly run stainless GTAW weld shouldn't have anything popping off of the surface of it. Regards, aevald
Parent - - By BooTLeG (*) Date 07-29-2007 04:02
whenever I finish the weld it starts to pop little chips of metal off that are shiny, once it cools it will turn almost a blackish color, and spotted all over. Could it be a problem with how I am putting the filler rod into the puddle? Or is it just contamination? Thank you for your help
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-29-2007 20:24 Edited 07-29-2007 20:26
Ok Bootleg

Take Clean base metal, Clean tungsten, Fresh clipped filler wire end.

Troubleshooting test #1

Take your torch and hold it perfectly perpendicular to the work and strike an arc.. Make the arc only hot enough to melt a 1/8 inch x 1/8 inch circle with not melt thru...  Keep the torch directly over the pool until it cools to give it good gas coverage...  Tell us what it looks like... Color?  Flakes? etc.

Test #2... A repeat of Test number 1 except you add one dab of filler to your pool and then stop.  Keep the torch over the work until cool... Inspect and tell us what you see.

Be sure you don't melt thru the base metal on any of these tests.

If you do these tests and report back to us it will eliminate a whole bunch of things that may be wrong or possibly tell us exactly what is wrong... depending on how you report :)
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 07-29-2007 23:16
Thank you Lawrence, I think what we have here is a failure to communicate. Bootleg, I'm not making fun or anything, but I believe that if you go with Lawrence's suggestions for trial welds I believe there will be a better chance of figuring out what is going wrong here. I think that you are on a slightly different page than I have been and I'm sure that once we see where you're at everything will fall into place. Regards, aevald
Parent - By BooTLeG (*) Date 07-30-2007 04:37
thanks for all your help, i go back to school tomorrow (Monday) I will try your troubleshooting and possibly get pictures to show exactly what is wrong.
Parent - - By chris hill Date 08-02-2007 07:32
well bootleg i believe that you are not getting enough shielding gas coverage over your welded surface. Couple of questions for you first what is the pressure of your gas flow and also how long in is your post flow setting? I usually use 10-15 psi with a number 4 to 5 size coupler, and with a number 6 coupler 15-20psi. My post flow is set at at least 4-10 seconds long. I have also learned when welding stainless it helps to weld with low amperage and keep the torch over the weld when completed until the post flow shuts off. Then it should be pink in color. if this helps out let me know i am curious about your techniques and am full of suggestions!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-02-2007 08:49

I agree perform Lawrence's two tests and come back....there could be so many things going wrong and he as usual is cutting to the chase and finding the bottom of the barrel with purpose and efficiency!

Best regards
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Tig Welding

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