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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / need help
- - By cwf07 (***) Date 08-18-2007 02:59
I wish I could find one good weldor that took pride in his work that i could put in a rig truck and send him on his way and not have to worry if he got to the job on time and know that the customer will be happy.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-18-2007 04:10
I heard that there was a guy like that once...
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-18-2007 09:47
yep that guy is becoming fast a myth...a unaffordable legend at that LOL!  I feel your pain dude when I look around at the so called professional arse monkeys I get to deal with daily.  Its all good tho cause when it cant be done anymore  somone out there will be handing out blank checks and I might still be around to cash in.   There just are not that many guys you can hand keys to and "come what ever may" and expect to make money let alone keep clients off of.    sad sad sad.  Don't let bad hands ruin your gig ...cut em loose and let em learn on somone elses dime.  Find somone who is honest,humble and hungary.... teach them what you can....that guy won't dissapoint you.  I was that fellow at one time now I am just honest and humble.  Thank you Mike Targett for giving me a shot to screw up!

Best regards and luck
Parent - - By 100perpen (*) Date 08-18-2007 10:39
Don't give up. They are out there. I guess I'm just lucky to have some very proud and skilled people working for/with me. Maybe it's the region we live in (Northeastern Wisconsin) but "work ethic" is is in their blood. We do have some that fall short but as Tommy said "cut them loose". Actually the old guys will root them out and the "teach tolerate terminate" process kicks in.

just my 2 pennys :)
Parent - - By jonesy70 (*) Date 08-20-2007 01:28
I just took a job with a company that is trying to build a fab shop...I was hired to be a welder and to look after quality...well as the first week went by my fitter and our other welder were fired and i found myself handed a shop with only a helper to work with...i have run men before but never a whole shop (that has miles and mile of pipe to weld)  So for the last month I have been tring to get anyone and his brother to come work with me...I have interviewed a half a dozen people that claimed to be welders or fitters...and my buddies are all working...and reluctant to leave there jobs for my shop....I also teach adults at a local welding school...let me just say that i know how hard it is to get tallented people that already know the trade!!!  My crew now consist of one great fittter that I did welder (me) and 3 of my students( class for them will never seen to end)!!  Believe it or not...we are getting by!!!  Know anyone that wants to relocate to Delaware to Mig weld pipe????
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 08-20-2007 02:43
I'm just now starting to test/interview for two big jobs just getting underway. Not too optimistic because I know the deal. All the good xray quality welders are usually working and if there employer is smart being taken care of. You might get lucky and find one or two that are bouncing between jobs. We employ only legal workers and drug free. Many say they are xray quality welders but a few questions and you know they are bluffing. Some think they can weld pipe in a bell hole because they have passed a structural test. Some may be good welders but have only had to deal with hydro tests. If it doesn't leak they are OK. Making the transition to xray from hydro can be expensive.

Of course paying more than everyone else will help your chances.
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 08-20-2007 14:11
These people are out there.???..somewhere.
I have learned that nobody will work harder with my equipment than me, and you can't count on someone making your money for you.
Parent - - By pipefitter100 (*) Date 09-21-2007 01:09
where r u located,what r u paying,how bad do u need a good welder/worker?
Parent - By cwf07 (***) Date 09-30-2007 01:49
I am in Georgia pay depends on what they know & how hard they are willing to work because I don't have at set hour or days.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / need help

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