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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding c20 s s with MiG 320lr cracks and looks really bad
- - By oso Date 08-23-2007 04:36
need another wire
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-23-2007 07:45
Carpenter stainless may put me on a limb but....

whose wire are you using-what brand.  Problem might be related to shield gas, or procedure as well.  92/8 mix of argon/co2 should be appropriate I think.  If you are using a spray transfer you probably need a tri-mix.  I would not use any preheat and allow a good amount of time inbetween runs if its a multipass weld.  You are using the right spec wire. Where is the cracking occorring at?  Toes/sides  centerline  random parent metal ???  What looks bad about it piled up/ not tied ..jagged edges  sucked in fillets?   Need more info, better description, pics if possible  please.  Give a bit more info and maybe some SS Gurus will pop in and make the day.

Hope to help
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 08-23-2007 17:59
Tommy is right, a little more info would help a great deal.
However, I'm guessing that if your filler is indeed 320LR, its probably a good wire. Could be wrong but I don't remember too many folks in the 320LR game putting out bad wire.
Also, I'm guessin its WM hot cracking, probably centerline, and 320 is really hot crack sensitive. Fully austenitic and Cb to boot. 
this stuff needs to be run cool. Because even if you don't gt cracking you want to avoid the segregation of elements, as mucha s possible, since
Alloy 20/320 is generally used for severe corrosive services.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / welding c20 s s with MiG 320lr cracks and looks really bad

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