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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Idle circuit problem on SA-200
- - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-07-2007 21:36
I have just about completed the rebuild of my '68 SA-200. I have removed the vacuum crap and have installed a PC board and updated it with Murphy gauges for protection. My problem is that the machine will not idle up with a grinder, but will weld just fine. I have set the low side idle at 950rpm and the high side idle at 1550rpm, with the OCV's at 91. The first idle circuit board had a crack in it, and I assumed that this was the cause for the problem. I replaced the board and still no rev up with a grinder. Even with the high idle triggered by the welding leads. I can start the grinder and it will continue to run at optimum speed.....until the machine idles down. It seems that the board is not even sensing the voltage draw from the grinder. If any has any ideas that may remedy this problem, they would be greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-08-2007 04:47 Edited 07-08-2007 05:17
Check with the board manufacturer and be sure it is supposed to sense the aux. outlet. The aux. power on those machines is from the field exciter [110 vdc] and that is not connected to the weld output. I am not saying that a board that senses both couldn't be built, just that Yours might not. Do the aux. recepticle wires hook to the idler circut board?
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-09-2007 01:39
The wiring diagram shows the exciter wire connects to the circuit board and the sensor wire for the receptacle connects to the board next to it, with a read switch between them. this is how I have wired it. Correct me if I am wrong, but the black wire coming from the generator is indeed the exciter wire? I have about 40 volts (+/-) at the receptacle at low idle and 115 volts at high idle, only when the idle switch is set to high.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-09-2007 01:53
I don't have direct experience with these machines, but it seems to Me that it is supposed to speed up from load at the aux recepticle. The voltages You mentiond seem right for the exciter. If everything is wired as per the instructions You probably should contact the manufacturer.
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-09-2007 02:27
Thanks for input Dave. I have just about decided that there is something wrong with the board. This machine was in pieces when i got it so I have been relying on another machine that I have as to placement of wires on the back side of the control panel. Up to now, everything has worked as designed. Would you happen to know where I could find a wiring schematic for a 1968 SA-200. My main concern is the color and location of the three wires (black, brown and red) coming out of the generator. It may be possible that I have wired these on the receptacle at the wrong location, but I dont see how that would matter.
    Thanks again Dave.
Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 07-09-2007 02:40
where did you get the idler from?
Parent - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-09-2007 02:50
We have a local repair shop in town that specializes in Lincoln welder rebuilds.....mainly engines. I ordered an upgrade kit from him. I remember him saying that it was coming from Louisiana......dont know the name of the all came in a generic white cardboard box.
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-09-2007 02:53
Hey tompit9......I just figured out that you are from Boyd America......I am right up the road from you in the city of the Big Knife
Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 07-09-2007 13:40 Edited 07-09-2007 13:43
guess i haven't heard of big knife. where bouts are you by?
Parent - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-10-2007 02:17
Hey TP, the city of the big knife Bowie America.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 07-10-2007 01:53
Look at the rating plate of your machine, get the code number.
Go here
Search for your code.
Download your operators manual as a pdf file.  It will have a wiring diagram (at least all I have looked at do).
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-10-2007 02:27
Thanks Bill, that was my next step. Through a little trial and error and few Bud Lights, I finally figured out what was wrong. PC board is fine, installer made a fubar and unknowingly made my own circuit that bypassed the read switch on the board. After the fourth, maybe fifth Bud Light, I realized my mistake. Thanks, to all that responded to my post, I really appreciate the help......even if it was operator error. The machine runs great in all aspects and burns a "real purdy" 5/32 low-hy. Thanks again all

Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 07-11-2007 07:03 Edited 07-11-2007 07:09
that didn't even cross my mind. I was in bowie monday. I seen there is a shop there  on the  corner of 59. are they pretty good people. hopfully I'll have my machine back running this weekend. I just buillt a shop up in montauge a few month back. now i'm building fence for a guy in sunset. hope you get that board prob. worked out.
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 07-12-2007 02:48
Hey TP,
     Davis & Davis Machine is the name of the shop. David Wynn is the guy that you should talk to. He is fairly knowledgeable on the Lincoln machines. Just dont get in any hurry.....on the average, he has about 10 machines in different stages of rebuild. He is pretty fair priced on his work, but you might have to wait awhile.
Parent - - By TANKIE (*) Date 07-29-2007 16:48
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 08-01-2007 00:02
Hi Mike,
       You might try calling Tom Fowler at 985-384-6914. He has everything that you will need. Be sure that you know what year model the SA-200 is, or at least have the serial number and code number when you call him. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. I am sorry that it tokk me so long to get back with has been very good this past few weeks, so I have not had much time to get online.

Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 08-20-2007 01:32
what are you working on sparkee? hey, what is the that shop up in bowie charging to work on these unit(sa200s)? if you know.
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 08-22-2007 03:12
Hey tompit,
     I have finished my 68 red face and all is going well.......turned out my problem was self-generated. As for the shop in Bowie, it will vary depending on what you are getting done. A buddy of mine had a complete engine rebuild and it cost him around $1300 and that included new plugs and wires and replacing the read switch. The only drawback with this shop is he is not very prompt at getting your machine out quickly. Most of us have a back-up machine to stay working while the other machine is in the shop.......cause he may have it for a couple of months for a rebuild. But if you just have a small problem, like a carb rebuild or a mag rebuild, he will usually do it while you wait or the same day.

Let me know if I can help,
Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 08-22-2007 07:06
that cool. do you have their phone #?
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 08-23-2007 02:35
Hey tompit,
     Their phone number is 940-872-2612. The guy you need to talk to is David Winn. He is open M-F from about 8am until 5pm and he is gone for about an hour or so around lunch.

Hope this helps,

Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 08-23-2007 07:07
thanks sparkee. I'll give them a call
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-24-2007 05:14
Tompit, Sorry I never called You, but every time I thought about it it was really late. I think Your problem needs sombody with experience on this machine, hope this guy gets You squared away.
Parent - By 52lincoln (***) Date 11-24-2007 02:51
yeah hes got my shorthood right now,highly recommended though.
Parent - - By tompit9 (***) Date 08-28-2007 02:59
well I have got power out of the receptical with the new electronic idler system now, but nothing coming out of the leads (no arc). Anyone have an idea to what could be wrong now.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-28-2007 04:36
Is this a new armature, or the one that smoked? The power at the recepticle proves the exciter is working.
Parent - By tompit9 (***) Date 08-28-2007 04:43
same arm.. I had purchased this arm. from a guy in michigan, should I have the arm. recharged? I did not run the machine very long under the condition.
Parent - By 52lincoln (***) Date 11-24-2007 02:51
shunt coils
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-06-2007 04:36
go to the lincoln web site and send them an email asking for that info they'll send it to you through email i,ve done it alot
Parent - - By brandnew Date 12-07-2007 04:33
This is my first time on this site and i am a young welder trying to get started and everyone tells me to go with the new 200D. Its alot for the first welding machine and just wanted to know what some people thought. I would appreciate the commments.
Parent - By 52lincoln (***) Date 12-07-2007 04:46
Man i dont weld for a living,but im around it alot and is a hobby of mine.So take it for what it is worth.I would save my money and buy a good old sa200.You make the same amount  of money with it, for 3/4 the invesment.Just until you get your feet wet.Then maybe upgrade when you get locked in somewhere.Thats just my 2cnts.You will get alot of good advise here though,alot of old heads(NO OFFENSE)on this sight.Been there,got tha T shirt.I admire what your doing,wish i had the nuts to try it.Keep rollin on GOODLUCK
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-07-2007 12:12
yeah go used i got my 1st mach/ for 1500 years ago  ran it for 5 yrs/ when i parked it/ it was using and leaking 4 vvqrts. of oil a day and water in radiator every morning and still today runs and welds and it will stil burn 3/16 rod all day no it aint for sale . them old machines are gettin harder to find by the minute get ur hands on whatever kind of used tools you'll think u need go to pawn shops and jew them down yes  it can be donel
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 12-07-2007 14:34
Where are you located? If you are in the OKC area, I can hook you up with a couple guys running the 200D's. They will give you their honest opinion of the machine and probably let you run a few rods. They will also let you know why they keep Ol' Faithful (SA200) on the yard.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Idle circuit problem on SA-200

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