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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / WTB Miller TIG, sync 180, 200 or other miller AC/DC tig
- - By Frontier2k1 (*) Date 08-30-2007 18:27
I am looking for a miller AC/DC tig machine. Preferably not too old and located somewhere around NC but will be willing to pay shipping if the deal is good. I would prefer a syncrowave 180, 200 or a dynasty 200. Anyone have one? Thanks!
Parent - - By weldingmachine Date 09-21-2007 08:34
We could offer the AC/DC tig welder,which is a good market for exporting.Is that suitable for you?Welcome to get some information from our website:
Parent - By Frontier2k1 (*) Date 09-21-2007 17:32
I am looking specifically a miller. Thanks though!
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / WTB Miller TIG, sync 180, 200 or other miller AC/DC tig

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